Pew Commission Says Industrial Scale Farm Animal Production Poses ‘Unacceptable’ Risks to Public Health, Environment
WASHINGTON, April 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
The current industrial farm animal production (IFAP) system often poses unacceptable risks to public health, the environment and the welfare of the animals themselves, according to an extensive 2 1/2-year examination conducted by the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production (PCIFAP), in a study released today.
Below are the Commissions key recommendations.
1. Ban the non-therapeutic use of antimicrobials in food animal production to reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance to medically important antibiotics and other microbials.
2. Implement a disease monitoring program for food animals to allow 48-hour trace-back of those animals through aspects of their production, in a fully integrated and robust national database.
3. Treat IFAP as an industrial operation and implement a new system to deal with farm waste to replace the inflexible and broken system that exists today, to protect Americans from the adverse environmental and human health hazards of improperly handled IFAP waste.
4. Phase out the most intensive and inhumane production practices within a decade to reduce the risk of IFAP to public health and improve animal wellbeing (i.e., gestation crates and battery cages).
5. Federal and state laws need to be amended and enforced to provide a level playing field for producers when entering contracts with integrators.
6. Increase funding for, expand and reform, animal agriculture research.
Read More
Here it is. After two plus years of study, the PEW Commission released their report on Tuesday. Not surprisingly, they have suggested several changes to modern production agriculture. The commission doesn’t seem to answer whether we will be able to feed the 10 billion people that will be inhabiting this planet by the middle of the century, using their suggestions. We have the technology to do it, the question is whether we will be allowed to implement it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Religious Animal Rights
Keeping Pets in Their Place
Why we can't afford to treat animals like they're humans.
Charles Colson with Anne Morse
posted 4/29/2008 08:27AM
Five years ago I warned in this space about an aggressive animal-rights movement that seeks to blur the distinction between animals and humans. Since then it has gained steam, even unwittingly drawing some Christians into its orbit.
I know of a Bible study group in Los Angeles that recently laid hands on a sick dog, praying God would heal her—and if not, receive her into heaven. A Christian veterinarian administers healing sessions for patients. And dozens of websites offer biblical "proof" that animals are resurrected, as if Christ's atonement somehow included them.
Well-meaning evangelical authors write of their hopes that God will admit their beloved dogs into heaven: at, the list of books maintaining that pets are heaven-bound is long and furry. (My personal favorite: Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates, "a beautifully written book from a Christian perspective about our beloved pets" going to heaven.)
Are these merely examples of overzealous animal lovers—or signs of the latest "rights" campaign gaining steam? Read More
We have seen several examples of religions getting involved in the animal rights debate. These religions will be very vocal in the California vote. Mostly these religions have wanted to give human rights to animals. This is a very well written article that contains a lot of common sense.
Why we can't afford to treat animals like they're humans.
Charles Colson with Anne Morse
posted 4/29/2008 08:27AM
Five years ago I warned in this space about an aggressive animal-rights movement that seeks to blur the distinction between animals and humans. Since then it has gained steam, even unwittingly drawing some Christians into its orbit.
I know of a Bible study group in Los Angeles that recently laid hands on a sick dog, praying God would heal her—and if not, receive her into heaven. A Christian veterinarian administers healing sessions for patients. And dozens of websites offer biblical "proof" that animals are resurrected, as if Christ's atonement somehow included them.
Well-meaning evangelical authors write of their hopes that God will admit their beloved dogs into heaven: at, the list of books maintaining that pets are heaven-bound is long and furry. (My personal favorite: Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates, "a beautifully written book from a Christian perspective about our beloved pets" going to heaven.)
Are these merely examples of overzealous animal lovers—or signs of the latest "rights" campaign gaining steam? Read More
We have seen several examples of religions getting involved in the animal rights debate. These religions will be very vocal in the California vote. Mostly these religions have wanted to give human rights to animals. This is a very well written article that contains a lot of common sense.
animal rights,
Animal Welfare,
The California Initiative
Moral issues surround animal welfare
By Erin Digitale
Article Launched: 04/28/2008 10:32:30 PM PDT
Tender veal cutlets. Sizzling pork chops. Savory omelets.
For a growing number of Californians, these meals are sparking a moral conundrum: Should they worry about how animals lived before their products hit the plate?
California voters will answer that question in November with a new animal welfare ballot initiative. If passed, the measure would require farmers to provide enough space for breeding sows, veal calves and laying hens to turn around and stretch their limbs.
The growing attention to the welfare of food animals is ``a huge change,'' said Joy Mench, a University of California, Davis, professor who studies the well-being of chickens. ``When I started doing this in 1982, there was close to zero public awareness about this issue.''
The nation's largest pork and veal producers are voluntarily phasing out tiny crates used to house veal calves and gestating sows. So the measure's main consequence would focus on California's 19 million egg-laying hens, most of which are housed in battery cages, crowded wire boxes used in conventional egg farming. Read More
There is going to be a lot of debate going on in California over the initiative on the ballot that will take hens out of cages. Opponents of the initiative make some very good arguments for the use of cages for the hens in this article. I am going to continue bringing you these articles so that everyone gets the sense of what the arguments and sentiments are in California. All of us need to be prepared to help stop this movement.
By Erin Digitale
Article Launched: 04/28/2008 10:32:30 PM PDT
Tender veal cutlets. Sizzling pork chops. Savory omelets.
For a growing number of Californians, these meals are sparking a moral conundrum: Should they worry about how animals lived before their products hit the plate?
California voters will answer that question in November with a new animal welfare ballot initiative. If passed, the measure would require farmers to provide enough space for breeding sows, veal calves and laying hens to turn around and stretch their limbs.
The growing attention to the welfare of food animals is ``a huge change,'' said Joy Mench, a University of California, Davis, professor who studies the well-being of chickens. ``When I started doing this in 1982, there was close to zero public awareness about this issue.''
The nation's largest pork and veal producers are voluntarily phasing out tiny crates used to house veal calves and gestating sows. So the measure's main consequence would focus on California's 19 million egg-laying hens, most of which are housed in battery cages, crowded wire boxes used in conventional egg farming. Read More
There is going to be a lot of debate going on in California over the initiative on the ballot that will take hens out of cages. Opponents of the initiative make some very good arguments for the use of cages for the hens in this article. I am going to continue bringing you these articles so that everyone gets the sense of what the arguments and sentiments are in California. All of us need to be prepared to help stop this movement.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
New Swiss Law
New Swiss law protects rights of 'social' animals
Bojan Pancevski
It is a world in which the goldfish are never lonely, the dogs are always obedient and the guinea-pigs are never tormented by children.
Under a new Swiss law enshrining rights for animals, dog owners will require a qualification, anglers will take lessons in compassion and horses will go only in twos.
From guinea-pigs to budgerigars, any animal classified as a “social species” will be a victim of abuse if it does not cohabit, or at least have contact, with others of its own kind.
The creator of this animal Utopia is the Swiss federal parliament, the Bundesrat, which adopted a law this week extending to four legs the kind of rights usually reserved for two. The law, which comes into force from September 1, is particularly strict over dogs: prospective owners will have to pay for and complete a two-part course — a theory section on the needs and wishes of the animal, and a practice section, where students will be instructed in how to walk their dog and react to various situations that might arise during the process. The details of the courses are yet to be fixed, but they are likely to comprise about five theory lessons and at least five sessions “in the field”. Read More
Many animal rights activists have used examples from Europe to tell lawmakers and consumers their side of the story of how the United States should do things. Well, now Swiss residents have some new laws to obey. All of their pets must have friends. Human companionship isn’t enough. And farmers and ranchers will be subject to even more regulations. If you don’t want this in this country, you had better be willing to start telling your story and nip this problem in the bud. And it begins this November in California.
Bojan Pancevski
It is a world in which the goldfish are never lonely, the dogs are always obedient and the guinea-pigs are never tormented by children.
Under a new Swiss law enshrining rights for animals, dog owners will require a qualification, anglers will take lessons in compassion and horses will go only in twos.
From guinea-pigs to budgerigars, any animal classified as a “social species” will be a victim of abuse if it does not cohabit, or at least have contact, with others of its own kind.
The creator of this animal Utopia is the Swiss federal parliament, the Bundesrat, which adopted a law this week extending to four legs the kind of rights usually reserved for two. The law, which comes into force from September 1, is particularly strict over dogs: prospective owners will have to pay for and complete a two-part course — a theory section on the needs and wishes of the animal, and a practice section, where students will be instructed in how to walk their dog and react to various situations that might arise during the process. The details of the courses are yet to be fixed, but they are likely to comprise about five theory lessons and at least five sessions “in the field”. Read More
Many animal rights activists have used examples from Europe to tell lawmakers and consumers their side of the story of how the United States should do things. Well, now Swiss residents have some new laws to obey. All of their pets must have friends. Human companionship isn’t enough. And farmers and ranchers will be subject to even more regulations. If you don’t want this in this country, you had better be willing to start telling your story and nip this problem in the bud. And it begins this November in California.
animal ownership,
animal rights,
pet owners,
social species
Lawyer's defending hen rights
Law students stand up for laying hens' freedom
Move to ban restrictive cages stifled in Del. General Assembly
The News Journal
Some lawyers judge success by how many people they've kept out of the lockup. Apparently, that now applies to chickens as well.
Thanks to a consciousness-raising campaign by budding attorneys, Widener Law school has joined a rising number of schools in banning eggs laid by caged chickens from its dining halls. It might not be quite like winning a case in court, but to the students who rallied to the caged chickens' cause, it feels good nonetheless.
"It's actually starting to pick up a lot of steam," Widener student Andrew Fabian, who helped lead the cage-free campaign by the Widener Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, said of the issue on campus.
In the world of animal rights, the realm of law is increasingly coming to bear, even outside the leafy expanse of Widener's Concord Pike campus. In Widener's case, all it took was a chat with the dining hall's manager and a few caged-chicken videos to achieve their aim -- but such efforts do stand a chance of someday ending up in the nation's courts. Read More
Animal law is quickly becoming available at most law schools. Some have compared it to the rise in environmental law in the 1970’s and 80’s. There is no doubt in my mind that many lawyers will be gunning for a tobacco like settlement against animal agriculture somewhere in the future. And with laws being attempted in places like CA, that could drastically change the future of agriculture in this country, there will be no shortage of lawyers wanting to be involved.
Move to ban restrictive cages stifled in Del. General Assembly
The News Journal
Some lawyers judge success by how many people they've kept out of the lockup. Apparently, that now applies to chickens as well.
Thanks to a consciousness-raising campaign by budding attorneys, Widener Law school has joined a rising number of schools in banning eggs laid by caged chickens from its dining halls. It might not be quite like winning a case in court, but to the students who rallied to the caged chickens' cause, it feels good nonetheless.
"It's actually starting to pick up a lot of steam," Widener student Andrew Fabian, who helped lead the cage-free campaign by the Widener Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, said of the issue on campus.
In the world of animal rights, the realm of law is increasingly coming to bear, even outside the leafy expanse of Widener's Concord Pike campus. In Widener's case, all it took was a chat with the dining hall's manager and a few caged-chicken videos to achieve their aim -- but such efforts do stand a chance of someday ending up in the nation's courts. Read More
Animal law is quickly becoming available at most law schools. Some have compared it to the rise in environmental law in the 1970’s and 80’s. There is no doubt in my mind that many lawyers will be gunning for a tobacco like settlement against animal agriculture somewhere in the future. And with laws being attempted in places like CA, that could drastically change the future of agriculture in this country, there will be no shortage of lawyers wanting to be involved.
Animal Welfare is Rodeo Top Priority
Rodeo watchdog keeps eye out for animal abuse
By Gus Thomson, Journal Staff Writer
Rodeo has always been about steely nerved cowboys, sinewy bucking horses and ferocious bulls.
But in recent years, it has also been about protests raised from animal groups like PETA.
For Bill Adams, who serves as animal welfare watchdog during this weekend’s Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association rodeo in Auburn, that means coming to the two-day event not only with a watchful eye for possible safety infractions but with a pile of pamphlets explaining rodeo’s side of the story to people who have caught wind of protests.
Adams points to the association’s rule book and over 60 rules inside its pages pertaining to the treatment of animals as testament to the efforts the organization is putting into ensuring animals are treated well in their pens, in the chutes before entering the arena, and during events like bull riding, bull riding or team roping. Read More
The sport of rodeo has been quite successful in defending their use of livestock. It wasn’t by accident either. As the article mentions, they have made animal welfare a top priority. They will continue to be a target however and must continue educating the public on their welfare guidelines.
By Gus Thomson, Journal Staff Writer
Rodeo has always been about steely nerved cowboys, sinewy bucking horses and ferocious bulls.
But in recent years, it has also been about protests raised from animal groups like PETA.
For Bill Adams, who serves as animal welfare watchdog during this weekend’s Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association rodeo in Auburn, that means coming to the two-day event not only with a watchful eye for possible safety infractions but with a pile of pamphlets explaining rodeo’s side of the story to people who have caught wind of protests.
Adams points to the association’s rule book and over 60 rules inside its pages pertaining to the treatment of animals as testament to the efforts the organization is putting into ensuring animals are treated well in their pens, in the chutes before entering the arena, and during events like bull riding, bull riding or team roping. Read More
The sport of rodeo has been quite successful in defending their use of livestock. It wasn’t by accident either. As the article mentions, they have made animal welfare a top priority. They will continue to be a target however and must continue educating the public on their welfare guidelines.
Monday, April 28, 2008
PEW Commission Report to be Released
The Pew Commission will be releasing the results of over two years worth of information gathering about animal feeding operations in the United States. Tuesday at 10 am Eastern, the report will be released during a press conference in Washington, DC.
Don't expect anything friendly towards animal agriculture coming from this report. More than likely they will suggest that sweeping changes will need to be made, changes that will make it more difficult for America's producers to continue feeding the world.
More on this in the next couple of days.
For additional information about the commission and other studies that it has conducted visit
Don't expect anything friendly towards animal agriculture coming from this report. More than likely they will suggest that sweeping changes will need to be made, changes that will make it more difficult for America's producers to continue feeding the world.
More on this in the next couple of days.
For additional information about the commission and other studies that it has conducted visit
animal feeding operations,
PEW commission
UCS's Agenda Based CAFO Report
Corporate Welfare Fueling Growth of Confined Animal Feeding Operations
22 Corporate Crime Reporter
17, April 24, 2008
Corporate welfare is fueling the growth of confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
That’s according to a report released today by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).
CAFOs now produce most of the nation's beef, pork, chicken, dairy and eggs, even though there are more sophisticated and efficient farms in operation.
“CAFOs aren't the natural result of agricultural progress, nor are they the result of rational planning or market forces,” said Doug Gurian-Sherman, the author of the report. “Ill-advised policies created them, and it will take new policies to replace them with more sustainable, environmentally friendly production methods.”
The report – CAFOs Uncovered: The Untold Costs of Confined Animal Feeding Operations – details the policies that have allowed CAFOs to dominate U.S. meat and dairy production. Read More
The Union for Concerned Scientists is an agenda based organization that has partnered in the past with HSUS, The Waterkeeper’s Alliance and Greenpeace. Their report says they want the government to institute policies that benefit the environment. But what about benefitting the human population which requires an increasing amount of food in order to survive? If groups like the UCS had their way, we would not be producing livestock in this country.
Click Here for the UCS Report.
22 Corporate Crime Reporter
17, April 24, 2008
Corporate welfare is fueling the growth of confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
That’s according to a report released today by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).
CAFOs now produce most of the nation's beef, pork, chicken, dairy and eggs, even though there are more sophisticated and efficient farms in operation.
“CAFOs aren't the natural result of agricultural progress, nor are they the result of rational planning or market forces,” said Doug Gurian-Sherman, the author of the report. “Ill-advised policies created them, and it will take new policies to replace them with more sustainable, environmentally friendly production methods.”
The report – CAFOs Uncovered: The Untold Costs of Confined Animal Feeding Operations – details the policies that have allowed CAFOs to dominate U.S. meat and dairy production. Read More
The Union for Concerned Scientists is an agenda based organization that has partnered in the past with HSUS, The Waterkeeper’s Alliance and Greenpeace. Their report says they want the government to institute policies that benefit the environment. But what about benefitting the human population which requires an increasing amount of food in order to survive? If groups like the UCS had their way, we would not be producing livestock in this country.
Click Here for the UCS Report.
cage free eggs,
Union of Concerned Scientists
Smithfield Fights Odor Lawsuits
Smithfield set to fight Mo. lawsuits individually
By Lisa M. Keefe on 4/25/2008 for
Smithfield Foods Inc. has decided to litigate a series of lawsuits by residential neighbors of several of its hog farms in Missouri rather than agree to an out-of-court settlement.
In accordance with the court's direction, it will take on the cases one-by-one. The company decided to continue with litigation, after rejecting a $75 million settlement offer by plaintiff's attorneys that would have covered 31 cases brought on behalf of some 275 people.
The residents are suing over the odor produced by the hog operations. The cases originally were filed against Premium Standard Farms Inc., and Smithfield assumed the lawsuits when it bought PSF last year for $671 million.
The pros and cons of settling versus litigating are laid out in a Feb. 25 memo to Smithfield CEO C. Larry Pope by a company executive and one of its outside lawyers. The confidential memo was distributed to the company's Board of Directors in April. It inadvertently wound up in the hands of a reporter at the Kansas City Star, and is now posted on that newspaper's Web site here.
Among the company's considerations is the fact that, among three lawsuits on this issue that already had been litigated, the company had fared far better when the case concerned a single residence, rather than several residences and families, according to the memo.
Also, in fighting the cases one-by-one, the memo notes that the likely length of the litigation would be taxing on plaintiffs' counsel, although it would exact a price on Smithfield, as well, in the form of direct cost, distraction and the need to carry financial reserves related to the lawsuits.
The internal document also notes that the court could decide to aggregate the cases after all, the better to clean up the court's docket and dispose of the cases on a collective basis.
The next case on this matter is set for October. Link (subscription requried)
Modern hog operations have implemented a variety of technologies that have greatly reduced odor problems typically associated with hog production. While we don’t know the specifics of each of these lawsuits, I would imagine that some of the people that are filing these lawsuits will not be happy unless they completely shut down the operations in their area.
By Lisa M. Keefe on 4/25/2008 for
Smithfield Foods Inc. has decided to litigate a series of lawsuits by residential neighbors of several of its hog farms in Missouri rather than agree to an out-of-court settlement.
In accordance with the court's direction, it will take on the cases one-by-one. The company decided to continue with litigation, after rejecting a $75 million settlement offer by plaintiff's attorneys that would have covered 31 cases brought on behalf of some 275 people.
The residents are suing over the odor produced by the hog operations. The cases originally were filed against Premium Standard Farms Inc., and Smithfield assumed the lawsuits when it bought PSF last year for $671 million.
The pros and cons of settling versus litigating are laid out in a Feb. 25 memo to Smithfield CEO C. Larry Pope by a company executive and one of its outside lawyers. The confidential memo was distributed to the company's Board of Directors in April. It inadvertently wound up in the hands of a reporter at the Kansas City Star, and is now posted on that newspaper's Web site here.
Among the company's considerations is the fact that, among three lawsuits on this issue that already had been litigated, the company had fared far better when the case concerned a single residence, rather than several residences and families, according to the memo.
Also, in fighting the cases one-by-one, the memo notes that the likely length of the litigation would be taxing on plaintiffs' counsel, although it would exact a price on Smithfield, as well, in the form of direct cost, distraction and the need to carry financial reserves related to the lawsuits.
The internal document also notes that the court could decide to aggregate the cases after all, the better to clean up the court's docket and dispose of the cases on a collective basis.
The next case on this matter is set for October. Link (subscription requried)
Modern hog operations have implemented a variety of technologies that have greatly reduced odor problems typically associated with hog production. While we don’t know the specifics of each of these lawsuits, I would imagine that some of the people that are filing these lawsuits will not be happy unless they completely shut down the operations in their area.
hog farms,
Smithfield Foods
Bull Testicles Obscene?
Testicle bill dangles over legislators
The Associated Press
updated 4:57 p.m. MT, Sat., April. 26, 2008
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - They're proudly displayed by any self-respecting bull, but dangling big metal ones on the back end of a truck could be banned in Florida.
Metal replicas of bull testicles have become trendy bumper ornaments in some parts of the Sunshine State, but state Sen. Carey Baker is campaigning to ban the orbs.
Baker acknowledged that Florida lawmakers have more pressing issues, including huge revenue shortfalls, but said the state needs to draw a line on what's obscene before more objectionable adornments appear. Read More
So if this is considered obscene, will ranchers in Florida have to cover the scrotum’s of their herd bulls so no one can see them? It seems that some lawmakers feel the need to invent problems so they can fix them with more laws.
The Associated Press
updated 4:57 p.m. MT, Sat., April. 26, 2008
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - They're proudly displayed by any self-respecting bull, but dangling big metal ones on the back end of a truck could be banned in Florida.
Metal replicas of bull testicles have become trendy bumper ornaments in some parts of the Sunshine State, but state Sen. Carey Baker is campaigning to ban the orbs.
Baker acknowledged that Florida lawmakers have more pressing issues, including huge revenue shortfalls, but said the state needs to draw a line on what's obscene before more objectionable adornments appear. Read More
So if this is considered obscene, will ranchers in Florida have to cover the scrotum’s of their herd bulls so no one can see them? It seems that some lawmakers feel the need to invent problems so they can fix them with more laws.
bull testicles,
Carey Baker,
Friday, April 25, 2008
Farm Sanctuary Attacks CA Ag
Farm animal confinement battle heats up
April 24, 2008 8:49am
One of the groups supporting a November ballot measure that would change how some farmers raise their chickens, pigs and veal calves is ratcheting up the campaign with a video tour of the state.
Farm Sanctuary of Orland has equipped a truck with 80-inch video screens on three sides to show its undercover video investigations of what it considers abuse of farm animals to groups around California.
The tour is to raise public awareness “about the cruelties inherent on factory farms and to encourage people to take action to end farm animal abuse,” it says.
“When cruel and egregious practices are exposed to public scrutiny people respond fervently to the call for compassion,” says Julie Janovsky, Farm Sanctuary’s director of campaigns. “When people see a pig confined in a gestation crate, neurotically biting at the bars, unable to turn around, or take more than a step, it has a profound visceral effect on those viewing the cruelty. They know it’s inherently wrong and they want it to stop.” Read More
The first of many attacks against agriculture in CA have begun in an effort to pass the initiative that will ban cages. While there will be no increase in the welfare of farm animals from its passage, proponents of the initiative know that this will get them closer to their ultimate goal of eliminating animal agriculture completely.
April 24, 2008 8:49am
One of the groups supporting a November ballot measure that would change how some farmers raise their chickens, pigs and veal calves is ratcheting up the campaign with a video tour of the state.
Farm Sanctuary of Orland has equipped a truck with 80-inch video screens on three sides to show its undercover video investigations of what it considers abuse of farm animals to groups around California.
The tour is to raise public awareness “about the cruelties inherent on factory farms and to encourage people to take action to end farm animal abuse,” it says.
“When cruel and egregious practices are exposed to public scrutiny people respond fervently to the call for compassion,” says Julie Janovsky, Farm Sanctuary’s director of campaigns. “When people see a pig confined in a gestation crate, neurotically biting at the bars, unable to turn around, or take more than a step, it has a profound visceral effect on those viewing the cruelty. They know it’s inherently wrong and they want it to stop.” Read More
The first of many attacks against agriculture in CA have begun in an effort to pass the initiative that will ban cages. While there will be no increase in the welfare of farm animals from its passage, proponents of the initiative know that this will get them closer to their ultimate goal of eliminating animal agriculture completely.
Animal Welfare,
cage free,
farm sanctuary,
New Feed Rule Coming
FDA to Expand Restrictions on Livestock Feed
April 24, 2008; Page C6
The Food and Drug Administration will unveil this week a federal rule that will place new restrictions on what U.S. livestock can be fed.
The primary objective is to reduce the risk of transmitting bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad-cow disease, among cattle, but it is also expected to help persuade foreign countries to remove import restrictions on U.S. beef, according to a pre-publishing copy of the document.
South Korea last week agreed to lift restrictions on U.S. beef and, according to one U.S. government official, the country did so on the condition that the U.S. strengthen its livestock feed rules. Read More
The goal of agriculture should always be to continue improving the safety of the world’s safest food supply. The new rule should act as an additional firewall against the transmission of BSE.
April 24, 2008; Page C6
The Food and Drug Administration will unveil this week a federal rule that will place new restrictions on what U.S. livestock can be fed.
The primary objective is to reduce the risk of transmitting bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad-cow disease, among cattle, but it is also expected to help persuade foreign countries to remove import restrictions on U.S. beef, according to a pre-publishing copy of the document.
South Korea last week agreed to lift restrictions on U.S. beef and, according to one U.S. government official, the country did so on the condition that the U.S. strengthen its livestock feed rules. Read More
The goal of agriculture should always be to continue improving the safety of the world’s safest food supply. The new rule should act as an additional firewall against the transmission of BSE.
animal feed,
mad cow disease
Singer discusses animal rights
Princeton prof. discusses the ethics of dietary choices
April 24, 2008
By Allison Dedrick
Animal rights took center stage last night as Peter Singer delivered a talk titled “All Animals Are Equal, But in What Sense?” to a full house in Dinkelspiel Auditorium.
Singer, a professor of bioethics at Princeton University, was the final speaker in “The Ethics of Food & the Environment” series, organized by the Barbara and Bowen McCoy Program in Ethics in Society over winter and spring quarter.
“I think choices about what we eat is a really important topic,” Singer said, explaining that he would be addressing the issue from an ethical viewpoint.
Singer is often credited with initiating the animal rights movement with the publication of his book “Animal Liberation” in 1975 — the first chapter is titled “All Animals Are Equal.” Read More
The people that are most qualified to answer the questions that Singers ponders over in this article, are the farmers and ranchers of this country. Everyday they observe animals, work with them and depend on them and that makes them the true experts in animal welfare.
April 24, 2008
By Allison Dedrick
Animal rights took center stage last night as Peter Singer delivered a talk titled “All Animals Are Equal, But in What Sense?” to a full house in Dinkelspiel Auditorium.
Singer, a professor of bioethics at Princeton University, was the final speaker in “The Ethics of Food & the Environment” series, organized by the Barbara and Bowen McCoy Program in Ethics in Society over winter and spring quarter.
“I think choices about what we eat is a really important topic,” Singer said, explaining that he would be addressing the issue from an ethical viewpoint.
Singer is often credited with initiating the animal rights movement with the publication of his book “Animal Liberation” in 1975 — the first chapter is titled “All Animals Are Equal.” Read More
The people that are most qualified to answer the questions that Singers ponders over in this article, are the farmers and ranchers of this country. Everyday they observe animals, work with them and depend on them and that makes them the true experts in animal welfare.
animal rights,
Animal Welfare,
Peter Singer,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
UCLA tries to protect researchers
UCLA gets injunction against animal rights groups
Attorneys for UCLA on Tuesday obtained a preliminary injunction against animal rights groups and activists accused of harassing university researchers who conduct experiments using animals.
The injunction granted by Santa Monica Superior Court Judge Terry B. Friedman extends and expands a temporary restraining order granted Feb. 22, according to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block.
"This preliminary injunction is an important step in UCLA's ongoing efforts to protect researchers from extremists who have engaged in unlawful tactics to advance their beliefs and we intend to vigorously enforce it while pursuing a permanent injunction," Block said in a statement. Read More
UCLA researchers have been the target of several attacks lately. There is a bill in the California Legislature that will afford more protection to these individuals. In the meantime, hopefully this will allow the life saving medical research to continue without intimidation.
Attorneys for UCLA on Tuesday obtained a preliminary injunction against animal rights groups and activists accused of harassing university researchers who conduct experiments using animals.
The injunction granted by Santa Monica Superior Court Judge Terry B. Friedman extends and expands a temporary restraining order granted Feb. 22, according to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block.
"This preliminary injunction is an important step in UCLA's ongoing efforts to protect researchers from extremists who have engaged in unlawful tactics to advance their beliefs and we intend to vigorously enforce it while pursuing a permanent injunction," Block said in a statement. Read More
UCLA researchers have been the target of several attacks lately. There is a bill in the California Legislature that will afford more protection to these individuals. In the meantime, hopefully this will allow the life saving medical research to continue without intimidation.
animal rights,
animal testing,
Animal Welfare,
medical research,
Downer Cattle
Meat and Dairy Groups Now Back Downer-Cattle Ban
Published: April 23, 2008
In a significant reversal, major meat and dairy industry groups backed a total ban on so-called downer cattle from entering the food supply. Calls for such a ban have come from watchdog groups and some lawmakers in the wake of the large beef recall from a Southern California slaughterhouse in February, but the industry had resisted. Current law bans slaughter of most cows that are unable to stand, or downers, but allows them in if they fall after passing a veterinarian’s inspection and then are reinspected. Advocacy groups called that a loophole, but the Agriculture Department and the meat industry opposed changing it. Now, under pressure from Congress and outside groups, the industry has reconsidered. The American Meat Institute, the National Meat Association and the National Milk Producers Federation said they had petitioned the Agriculture Department to enact a total ban. “We think that the time has come,” said Jeremy Russell, spokesman for the National Meat Association, which represents some 400 packers and processors. “We want to send a clear message to consumers that we’re putting their welfare and concerns ahead of the economics.” Link
Anytime there is something like the massive beef recall that happens, you hope that there is a silver lining for the industry hidden somewhere in the mess. There was no excuse for the way those animals were treated. Hopefully this will eliminate the possibility of this happening again.
Published: April 23, 2008
In a significant reversal, major meat and dairy industry groups backed a total ban on so-called downer cattle from entering the food supply. Calls for such a ban have come from watchdog groups and some lawmakers in the wake of the large beef recall from a Southern California slaughterhouse in February, but the industry had resisted. Current law bans slaughter of most cows that are unable to stand, or downers, but allows them in if they fall after passing a veterinarian’s inspection and then are reinspected. Advocacy groups called that a loophole, but the Agriculture Department and the meat industry opposed changing it. Now, under pressure from Congress and outside groups, the industry has reconsidered. The American Meat Institute, the National Meat Association and the National Milk Producers Federation said they had petitioned the Agriculture Department to enact a total ban. “We think that the time has come,” said Jeremy Russell, spokesman for the National Meat Association, which represents some 400 packers and processors. “We want to send a clear message to consumers that we’re putting their welfare and concerns ahead of the economics.” Link
Anytime there is something like the massive beef recall that happens, you hope that there is a silver lining for the industry hidden somewhere in the mess. There was no excuse for the way those animals were treated. Hopefully this will eliminate the possibility of this happening again.
ALF Terrorists Strike Again
Animal rights advocates say they freed mink at Oregon farm
By Hal Bernton
Seattle Times staff reporter
The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is claiming responsibility for releasing 40 mink Monday from a fur farm in Jefferson, Ore., and for destroying the farm's breeding records.
In a communiqué released Tuesday evening, ALF said the mink might face a tough road away from the farm but that it was better "to die free" than at the hands of captors. It also warned that the sabotage would continue unless the owners of the Jefferson Fur Farm shut down their operation. Read More
The United States number one domestic terrorist threat is the Animal Liberation Front according to the FBI. They have attacked several mink farms over the years, causing a lot of damage. The FBI has been more successful as of late in identifying and convicting these terrorists.
By Hal Bernton
Seattle Times staff reporter
The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is claiming responsibility for releasing 40 mink Monday from a fur farm in Jefferson, Ore., and for destroying the farm's breeding records.
In a communiqué released Tuesday evening, ALF said the mink might face a tough road away from the farm but that it was better "to die free" than at the hands of captors. It also warned that the sabotage would continue unless the owners of the Jefferson Fur Farm shut down their operation. Read More
The United States number one domestic terrorist threat is the Animal Liberation Front according to the FBI. They have attacked several mink farms over the years, causing a lot of damage. The FBI has been more successful as of late in identifying and convicting these terrorists.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Ambassadors tell their story
Beef Ambassadors commemorate Earth Day
Source: PRWEB
In honor of Earth Day, the 2008 National Beef Ambassadors, a group of young beef producers, are sharing a series of personal videos telling the story of today's family-owned and operated cattle ranches, and their efforts to protect the environment every day.
Each video presents a unique perspective on environmental stewardship and why it is essential to the integrity and the future viability of the cattle industry.
Earth Day is celebrated year-round by America's beef producers. Cattle ranchers across the country make a difference by protecting important land, water and air resources while helping to feed a growing population.
Read More
The National Beef Ambassador Program features some of our best and brightest involved in agriculture. I always urge people to go our and tell their story and that's exactly what the Ambassadors did. Congratulations to them and keep up the good work.
Source: PRWEB
In honor of Earth Day, the 2008 National Beef Ambassadors, a group of young beef producers, are sharing a series of personal videos telling the story of today's family-owned and operated cattle ranches, and their efforts to protect the environment every day.
Each video presents a unique perspective on environmental stewardship and why it is essential to the integrity and the future viability of the cattle industry.
Earth Day is celebrated year-round by America's beef producers. Cattle ranchers across the country make a difference by protecting important land, water and air resources while helping to feed a growing population.
Read More
The National Beef Ambassador Program features some of our best and brightest involved in agriculture. I always urge people to go our and tell their story and that's exactly what the Ambassadors did. Congratulations to them and keep up the good work.
We can grow more food, just let us!
Agency warns of 'silent tsunami' of hunger
The Associated Press
updated 4:54 p.m. MT
Tues., April. 22, 2008
LONDON - Ration cards. Genetically modified crops. The end of pile-it-high, sell-it-cheap supermarkets.
These possible solutions to the first global food crisis since World War II — which the World Food Program says already threatens 20 million of the poorest children — are complex and controversial. And they may not even solve the problem as demand continues to soar.
A "silent tsunami" of hunger is sweeping the world's most desperate nations, said Josette Sheeran, the WFP's executive director, speaking Tuesday at a London summit on the crisis.
The skyrocketing cost of food staples, stoked by rising fuel prices, unpredictable weather and demand from India and China, has already sparked sometimes violent protests across the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Read More
Isn’t it interesting how people don’t seem to be bothered by genetically modified crops when they realize there isn’t a never ending supply of food. Although the thought of reducing meat consumption will lessen the food crunch is bogus, people are starting to realize that someone does grow their food. Regulations like the initiative in California will only hinder the American producers ability to produce more food for a hungry world if it passes.
The Associated Press
updated 4:54 p.m. MT
Tues., April. 22, 2008
LONDON - Ration cards. Genetically modified crops. The end of pile-it-high, sell-it-cheap supermarkets.
These possible solutions to the first global food crisis since World War II — which the World Food Program says already threatens 20 million of the poorest children — are complex and controversial. And they may not even solve the problem as demand continues to soar.
A "silent tsunami" of hunger is sweeping the world's most desperate nations, said Josette Sheeran, the WFP's executive director, speaking Tuesday at a London summit on the crisis.
The skyrocketing cost of food staples, stoked by rising fuel prices, unpredictable weather and demand from India and China, has already sparked sometimes violent protests across the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Read More
Isn’t it interesting how people don’t seem to be bothered by genetically modified crops when they realize there isn’t a never ending supply of food. Although the thought of reducing meat consumption will lessen the food crunch is bogus, people are starting to realize that someone does grow their food. Regulations like the initiative in California will only hinder the American producers ability to produce more food for a hungry world if it passes.
food crisis,
food prices,
genetically modified,
Earth Day Activities at U of Az
Club to hold free, meat-free lunch
Event organized to coincide with Earth Day
By: Ashley Waggoner
Posted: 4/22/08
Goodbye, meat. Hello, tofu.
Students curious to try homemade vegan cookies or meatless sausages will have their chance today on the UA Mall. The Students Organized for Animal Rights will serve a free vegan lunch from 11:45 a.m. until the food runs out.
The meal, held to coincide with Earth Day, is part of an event called "Meat Out," SOAR's biggest event held annually to encourage people to kick their meat habit, even for just a day.
SOAR is a club on campus that believes animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment. Read More
It is very common for groups like these to host “Meat Out” events on campuses across the country. Many teenage girls are switching to a vegetarian diet and when they get to college they are pressured at events like this to switch to veganism. It is important for those of us in food production to make sure the truth about nutrition and balanced diets is shared with these groups.
Event organized to coincide with Earth Day
By: Ashley Waggoner
Posted: 4/22/08
Goodbye, meat. Hello, tofu.
Students curious to try homemade vegan cookies or meatless sausages will have their chance today on the UA Mall. The Students Organized for Animal Rights will serve a free vegan lunch from 11:45 a.m. until the food runs out.
The meal, held to coincide with Earth Day, is part of an event called "Meat Out," SOAR's biggest event held annually to encourage people to kick their meat habit, even for just a day.
SOAR is a club on campus that believes animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment. Read More
It is very common for groups like these to host “Meat Out” events on campuses across the country. Many teenage girls are switching to a vegetarian diet and when they get to college they are pressured at events like this to switch to veganism. It is important for those of us in food production to make sure the truth about nutrition and balanced diets is shared with these groups.
Earth Day,
meat out,
University of Arizona,
Those Pesky Glaciers!
Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh
Phil Chapman April 23, 2008
THE scariest photo I have seen on the internet is, where you will find a real-time image of the sun from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, located in deep space at the equilibrium point between solar and terrestrial gravity.
What is scary about the picture is that there is only one tiny sunspot.
Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously. Read More
This isn’t something you are likely to see widely published, especially during the Global Warming Holiday that is Earth Day. Chapman brings up several interesting arguments as to why global cooling is more imminent than global warming. The main point that everyone should get, however, is that nobody really knows what the climate is going to do except change, because it has always changed.
Phil Chapman April 23, 2008
THE scariest photo I have seen on the internet is, where you will find a real-time image of the sun from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, located in deep space at the equilibrium point between solar and terrestrial gravity.
What is scary about the picture is that there is only one tiny sunspot.
Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously. Read More
This isn’t something you are likely to see widely published, especially during the Global Warming Holiday that is Earth Day. Chapman brings up several interesting arguments as to why global cooling is more imminent than global warming. The main point that everyone should get, however, is that nobody really knows what the climate is going to do except change, because it has always changed.
global cooling,
global warming,
greenhouse gasses,
sun spots
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
PETA vs. Al Gore
Not So Earth-Friendly? Activists Attack Al Gore
Monday , April 21, 2008
By Hollie McKay
Look out, Al Gore ... People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says you are refusing to face one very "inconvenient truth."
On Monday, the animal rights organization launched the campaign (conveniently timed for Earth Day) in an attempt to counter the effects that they say the former vice president's meat-laden diet has on Mother Nature.
While reps for Gore had no comment, Pop Tarts confirmed with people who have worked with the ex-veep that he loves his steak and sausage, plus he was notorious for chowing down on the almost all-meat Atkins diet during his run for president. Read More
Isn’t it entertaining to watch the animal rights activists attack the environmentalists? While the figures that PETA uses aren’t accurate, this crisis that they created is good for at least a chuckle at how crazy this world is. The United State Environmental Protection Agency estimates that animal agriculture contributes less than 3% of the total greenhouse gas emissions.
Monday , April 21, 2008
By Hollie McKay
Look out, Al Gore ... People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says you are refusing to face one very "inconvenient truth."
On Monday, the animal rights organization launched the campaign (conveniently timed for Earth Day) in an attempt to counter the effects that they say the former vice president's meat-laden diet has on Mother Nature.
While reps for Gore had no comment, Pop Tarts confirmed with people who have worked with the ex-veep that he loves his steak and sausage, plus he was notorious for chowing down on the almost all-meat Atkins diet during his run for president. Read More
Isn’t it entertaining to watch the animal rights activists attack the environmentalists? While the figures that PETA uses aren’t accurate, this crisis that they created is good for at least a chuckle at how crazy this world is. The United State Environmental Protection Agency estimates that animal agriculture contributes less than 3% of the total greenhouse gas emissions.
Al Gore,
An Inconvenient Truth,
Earth Day,
PETA's Frankenmeat Contest
PETA’s Latest Tactic: $1 Million for Fake Meat
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants to pay a million dollars for fake meat — even if it has caused a “near civil war” within the organization.
The organization said it would announce plans on Monday for a $1 million prize to the “first person to come up with a method to produce commercially viable quantities of in vitro meat at competitive prices by 2012.”
The idea of getting the next Chicken McNugget out of a test tube is not new. For several years, scientists have worked to develop technologies to grow tissue cultures that could be consumed like meat without the expense of land or feed and the disease potential of real meat. An international symposium on the topic was held this month in Norway. The tissue, once grown, could be shaped and given texture with the kinds of additives and structural agents that are now used to give products like soy burgers a more meaty texture. Read More
The Frankenmeat contest that PETA is sponsoring was inspired by the symposium of scientists that gathered last week to share their progress in producing test tube meat. While I haven’t heard or seen any surveys on this, the consumer’s acceptance of other engineered foods has been shaky at times. This has also created quite a stir within PETA, because a faction of their group believes no one should eat meat regardless of whether it came from an animal or not.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants to pay a million dollars for fake meat — even if it has caused a “near civil war” within the organization.
The organization said it would announce plans on Monday for a $1 million prize to the “first person to come up with a method to produce commercially viable quantities of in vitro meat at competitive prices by 2012.”
The idea of getting the next Chicken McNugget out of a test tube is not new. For several years, scientists have worked to develop technologies to grow tissue cultures that could be consumed like meat without the expense of land or feed and the disease potential of real meat. An international symposium on the topic was held this month in Norway. The tissue, once grown, could be shaped and given texture with the kinds of additives and structural agents that are now used to give products like soy burgers a more meaty texture. Read More
The Frankenmeat contest that PETA is sponsoring was inspired by the symposium of scientists that gathered last week to share their progress in producing test tube meat. While I haven’t heard or seen any surveys on this, the consumer’s acceptance of other engineered foods has been shaky at times. This has also created quite a stir within PETA, because a faction of their group believes no one should eat meat regardless of whether it came from an animal or not.
in vitro meat,
test tube meat
PETA's "Shower" Protest
PETA Times Square "Shower" Protest Is All Wet, Says Consumer Group
Washington D.C. -- An anti-beef "naked shower" protest from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in Times Square today will demonstrate that the animal rights group's employees either aren't terribly good at math, or don't shower often enough.
PETA falsely claims that "producing just 1 pound of meat requires water equivalent to more than a year's worth of showers." But according to the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), it would take less than 18 ten-minute showers to consume the amount of water required to produce a pound of American beef.* That includes all the water consumed by cattle, plus everything involved in irrigating feed crops and processing the meat. Read More
A lot of groups like to talk about how much water it takes to produce a meat eater’s diet compared to a vegetarian’s diet. That is why I included this press release, because everyone should know these statistics about how much water it really does take to produce a pound of beef.
Washington D.C. -- An anti-beef "naked shower" protest from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in Times Square today will demonstrate that the animal rights group's employees either aren't terribly good at math, or don't shower often enough.
PETA falsely claims that "producing just 1 pound of meat requires water equivalent to more than a year's worth of showers." But according to the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), it would take less than 18 ten-minute showers to consume the amount of water required to produce a pound of American beef.* That includes all the water consumed by cattle, plus everything involved in irrigating feed crops and processing the meat. Read More
A lot of groups like to talk about how much water it takes to produce a meat eater’s diet compared to a vegetarian’s diet. That is why I included this press release, because everyone should know these statistics about how much water it really does take to produce a pound of beef.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Bogus Global Warming Data
Our Climate Numbers Are a Big Old Mess
April 18, 2008; Page A17
President George W. Bush has just announced his goal to stabilize greenhouse-gas emissions by 2025. To get there, he proposes new fuel-economy standards for autos, and lower emissions from power plants built in the next 10 to 15 years.
Pending legislation in the Senate from Joe Lieberman and John Warner would cut emissions even further – by 66% by 2050. No one has a clue how to do this. Because there is no substitute technology to achieve these massive reductions, we'll just have to get by with less energy.
Compared to a year ago, gasoline consumption has dropped only 0.5% at current prices. So imagine how expensive it would be to reduce overall emissions by 66%.
The earth's paltry warming trend, 0.31 degrees Fahrenheit per decade since the mid-1970s, isn't enough to scare people into poverty. And even that 0.31 degree figure is suspect.
For years, records from surface thermometers showed a global warming trend beginning in the late 1970s. But temperatures sensed by satellites and weather balloons displayed no concurrent warming. Read More
There is no such thing as normal weather. Just as the seasons change, so has the earth’s climate since the beginning. From being completely frozen to mostly tropical, this planet has seen it all. And that was before any humans were in the picture. This article shows just how far some scientists will go to further their agenda of creating a climate change crisis. If things were as bad as some people like to tell us, they wouldn’t have to change some data and eliminate others in order to get the numbers they like.
April 18, 2008; Page A17
President George W. Bush has just announced his goal to stabilize greenhouse-gas emissions by 2025. To get there, he proposes new fuel-economy standards for autos, and lower emissions from power plants built in the next 10 to 15 years.
Pending legislation in the Senate from Joe Lieberman and John Warner would cut emissions even further – by 66% by 2050. No one has a clue how to do this. Because there is no substitute technology to achieve these massive reductions, we'll just have to get by with less energy.
Compared to a year ago, gasoline consumption has dropped only 0.5% at current prices. So imagine how expensive it would be to reduce overall emissions by 66%.
The earth's paltry warming trend, 0.31 degrees Fahrenheit per decade since the mid-1970s, isn't enough to scare people into poverty. And even that 0.31 degree figure is suspect.
For years, records from surface thermometers showed a global warming trend beginning in the late 1970s. But temperatures sensed by satellites and weather balloons displayed no concurrent warming. Read More
There is no such thing as normal weather. Just as the seasons change, so has the earth’s climate since the beginning. From being completely frozen to mostly tropical, this planet has seen it all. And that was before any humans were in the picture. This article shows just how far some scientists will go to further their agenda of creating a climate change crisis. If things were as bad as some people like to tell us, they wouldn’t have to change some data and eliminate others in order to get the numbers they like.
Time Magazine Insults WWII Vets
Iwo Jima Vets Hot Over Global Warming Pic
Time Magazine is in hot water with some World War II veterans over its April 28 cover illustration, which addresses "How to Win The War On Global Warming."
The magazine takes what is arguably one of the most famous war photographs of all time -- U.S. Marines raising the American flag on Iwo Jima's Mt. Suribachi -- and manipulates it to replace the flag and staff with a tree.
A Web site describing Time's story as pushing "more global warming alarmism" talked with retired Lt. John Keith Wells, who it said was the leader of the platoon captured in the Pulitzer prize-winning image by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal.
"That global warming is the biggest joke I’ve ever known," Wells told the Business & Media Institute.
Donald Mates, also identified as an Iwo Jima veteran, told the publication, "It’s an absolute disgrace." "Whoever did it is going to hell. That’s a mortal sin. God forbid he runs into a Marine that was an Iwo Jima survivor," he said. Read More
The idea that you could somehow compare the World War II victory at Iwo Jima with global warming can only be described as a self serving stunt to sell magazines. How completely inappropriate it is to use this image of our American heroes to push an agenda such as global warming.
Time Magazine is in hot water with some World War II veterans over its April 28 cover illustration, which addresses "How to Win The War On Global Warming."
The magazine takes what is arguably one of the most famous war photographs of all time -- U.S. Marines raising the American flag on Iwo Jima's Mt. Suribachi -- and manipulates it to replace the flag and staff with a tree.
A Web site describing Time's story as pushing "more global warming alarmism" talked with retired Lt. John Keith Wells, who it said was the leader of the platoon captured in the Pulitzer prize-winning image by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal.
"That global warming is the biggest joke I’ve ever known," Wells told the Business & Media Institute.
Donald Mates, also identified as an Iwo Jima veteran, told the publication, "It’s an absolute disgrace." "Whoever did it is going to hell. That’s a mortal sin. God forbid he runs into a Marine that was an Iwo Jima survivor," he said. Read More
The idea that you could somehow compare the World War II victory at Iwo Jima with global warming can only be described as a self serving stunt to sell magazines. How completely inappropriate it is to use this image of our American heroes to push an agenda such as global warming.
global warming,
Iwo Jima,
Time magazine,
World War II
Earth Day should be called Ag Day
Make Earth Day an ag day
Earth Day is April 22. This year will mark the 39th celebration of efforts to protect planet Earth. As in past years, there will be community events to plant trees in urban neighborhoods, clean up litter from roadsides and parks and other ways for the public to get involved in helping our environment. All of those efforts are positive ways for people to take an active role to protect our environment.
No doubt with all the attention to climate change, this year's celebrations will also include ways to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and to minimize our "carbon footprint."
As our understanding of climate change grows, we are also finding more ways that farmers and ranchers can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to renewable energy.
But some groups will unfortunately use Earth Day to promote a selfish agenda by attacking the honest efforts of agriculture. Read More
The best conservationist this country has is America’s farmers and ranchers. They have been making improvements to the land for several generations now and that is one reason that agriculture is so productive. Producers know their land, they know what will grow where and how well. The idea that someone or some organization knows how to manage your land better than you do will never make sense to me. Everyday is Earth Day when your livelihood depends on it.
Earth Day is April 22. This year will mark the 39th celebration of efforts to protect planet Earth. As in past years, there will be community events to plant trees in urban neighborhoods, clean up litter from roadsides and parks and other ways for the public to get involved in helping our environment. All of those efforts are positive ways for people to take an active role to protect our environment.
No doubt with all the attention to climate change, this year's celebrations will also include ways to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and to minimize our "carbon footprint."
As our understanding of climate change grows, we are also finding more ways that farmers and ranchers can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to renewable energy.
But some groups will unfortunately use Earth Day to promote a selfish agenda by attacking the honest efforts of agriculture. Read More
The best conservationist this country has is America’s farmers and ranchers. They have been making improvements to the land for several generations now and that is one reason that agriculture is so productive. Producers know their land, they know what will grow where and how well. The idea that someone or some organization knows how to manage your land better than you do will never make sense to me. Everyday is Earth Day when your livelihood depends on it.
carbon footprint,
Earth Day,
Friday, April 18, 2008
No more Electricity?
Junk Science: A New 'Green' Body Count Begins
Thursday , April 17, 2008
By Steven Milloy
The world has an ever-growing population that needs more and more energy, but the greens are doing everything they can to constrict the world’s energy supply.
As the Sierra Club campaigns to shut down our coal-fired electricity capabilities, the Natural Resources Defense Council campaigns to prevent nuclear power from taking its place. The demise of coal-fired power and the blockage of increased nuclear power will increase the demand for supply constraints on, and the prices for, natural gas.
But then again, environmental advocacy group Earth First perhaps is helping to alleviate the looming natural gas crisis by campaigning against power plants that use the fuel. In a recent campaign against a South Florida power plant, an Earth First campaigner stated that the environment ought not be threatened "so that people can fuel their greedy energy desires." "Just say 'no' to electricity," seems to be the bottom line of eco-think.
Even wind power is becoming more and more politically incorrect. Environmentalist-friendly Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley this week announced that wind farms will not be allowed on state lands because they are eyesores. Read More
There won’t be much left to generate electricity with if we let the environmentalist have their way. One way we use now that wasn’t mentioned in this article was hydro-electric. Can you imagine what would happen if the government wanted to dam a river to generate electricity today? We should all feel fortunate that our grandfather’s generation realized the importance of utilizing this resource because my generation probably never will.
Thursday , April 17, 2008
By Steven Milloy
The world has an ever-growing population that needs more and more energy, but the greens are doing everything they can to constrict the world’s energy supply.
As the Sierra Club campaigns to shut down our coal-fired electricity capabilities, the Natural Resources Defense Council campaigns to prevent nuclear power from taking its place. The demise of coal-fired power and the blockage of increased nuclear power will increase the demand for supply constraints on, and the prices for, natural gas.
But then again, environmental advocacy group Earth First perhaps is helping to alleviate the looming natural gas crisis by campaigning against power plants that use the fuel. In a recent campaign against a South Florida power plant, an Earth First campaigner stated that the environment ought not be threatened "so that people can fuel their greedy energy desires." "Just say 'no' to electricity," seems to be the bottom line of eco-think.
Even wind power is becoming more and more politically incorrect. Environmentalist-friendly Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley this week announced that wind farms will not be allowed on state lands because they are eyesores. Read More
There won’t be much left to generate electricity with if we let the environmentalist have their way. One way we use now that wasn’t mentioned in this article was hydro-electric. Can you imagine what would happen if the government wanted to dam a river to generate electricity today? We should all feel fortunate that our grandfather’s generation realized the importance of utilizing this resource because my generation probably never will.
No More Oversight Needed Says Official
Food safety official says no more oversight of slaughterhouses needed
By Jonathan D. Rockoff
Sun reporter
4:16 PM EDT, April 17, 2008
The Bush administration said today that the government doesn't need more inspectors and new technologies to police slaughterhouses after the country's largest beef recall earlier this year.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has enough food inspectors after hiring more than 190 last year and videotaping meat plant operations would be costly and practically difficult to implement, said Richard Raymond, the undersecretary for food safety.
"It's not as simple as a camera," said Raymond, who pointed out that reviews of 18 plants providing beef to federal programs didn't turn up any the kind of mistreatment that prompted the recall in February. He also said the agency was "not stretched too thin."
His response angered House members, who said the recall of beef slaughtered in the Hallmark/Westland plant in Chino, Calif., showed a need for improvements. Read More
The debate continues on what Congress will accomplish in the beef recall aftermath. The problem will be that most of the politicians will want something done regardless of its effectiveness. Changing something just for the sake of change won’t do any good.
By Jonathan D. Rockoff
Sun reporter
4:16 PM EDT, April 17, 2008
The Bush administration said today that the government doesn't need more inspectors and new technologies to police slaughterhouses after the country's largest beef recall earlier this year.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has enough food inspectors after hiring more than 190 last year and videotaping meat plant operations would be costly and practically difficult to implement, said Richard Raymond, the undersecretary for food safety.
"It's not as simple as a camera," said Raymond, who pointed out that reviews of 18 plants providing beef to federal programs didn't turn up any the kind of mistreatment that prompted the recall in February. He also said the agency was "not stretched too thin."
His response angered House members, who said the recall of beef slaughtered in the Hallmark/Westland plant in Chino, Calif., showed a need for improvements. Read More
The debate continues on what Congress will accomplish in the beef recall aftermath. The problem will be that most of the politicians will want something done regardless of its effectiveness. Changing something just for the sake of change won’t do any good.
beef recall,
food safety,
Religion and Animal Rights
Activists for animals are finding a receptive audience in the faith community, including on the religious right.
By Stephanie Simon, Times Staff Writer
She spent years as an outspoken antiabortion activist, and that cause remains dear to her. But these days, Karen Swallow Prior has a new passion: animal welfare.
She wasn't sure, at first, that advocating for God's four-legged creatures would go over well on the campus of Liberty University, a fundamentalist Baptist institution founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. Among the Liberty faculty -- and conservative evangelicals in general -- the animal-rights movement is often disdained as a secular, liberal cause.
But activists have been working with increasing intensity to shed that image. They're lecturing in Quaker meetinghouses and Episcopal churches, setting up websites that post Scripture alongside recipes for vegan soup -- and using biblical language to promote political initiatives, such as laws mandating bigger cages for pregnant pigs. Read More
More religions are starting to take a more vocal stand in the animal rights debate. While you would expect that most religions would be concerned about the welfare of animals, giving them rights is a whole different ball of wax. The initiative in California is going to have several religious groups weighing in with their opinions.
By Stephanie Simon, Times Staff Writer
She spent years as an outspoken antiabortion activist, and that cause remains dear to her. But these days, Karen Swallow Prior has a new passion: animal welfare.
She wasn't sure, at first, that advocating for God's four-legged creatures would go over well on the campus of Liberty University, a fundamentalist Baptist institution founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. Among the Liberty faculty -- and conservative evangelicals in general -- the animal-rights movement is often disdained as a secular, liberal cause.
But activists have been working with increasing intensity to shed that image. They're lecturing in Quaker meetinghouses and Episcopal churches, setting up websites that post Scripture alongside recipes for vegan soup -- and using biblical language to promote political initiatives, such as laws mandating bigger cages for pregnant pigs. Read More
More religions are starting to take a more vocal stand in the animal rights debate. While you would expect that most religions would be concerned about the welfare of animals, giving them rights is a whole different ball of wax. The initiative in California is going to have several religious groups weighing in with their opinions.
animal rights,
Animal Welfare,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
NJ Ag Department Survives
Plan to abolish Agriculture Dept. falters
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Star-Ledger Staff
Gov. Jon Corzine yesterday backed off his unpopular plans to abolish the Department of Agriculture and shutter nine state parks this summer, saying he is considering alternative budget reductions.
"We will have to figure out where we have financing to substitute for things people feel, maybe properly so, are priorities they would rather sustain," he told reporters after a public appearance in Paramus yesterday. "I may not be in total agreement, but I'm open to it."
Lawmakers yesterday made it clear Corzine would have tough going in his effort to save $500,000 by abolishing the Department of Agriculture.
"We have a lot more issues that are a lot more important for $500,000," said Senate Majority Leader Stephen Sweeney (D- Gloucester). "I think this is a fight we don't need to fight." Read More
The ag producers of New Jersey made it very clear that they wanted to keep the Department of Agriculture open in their state. Congratulations to them for succeeding in their important task.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Star-Ledger Staff
Gov. Jon Corzine yesterday backed off his unpopular plans to abolish the Department of Agriculture and shutter nine state parks this summer, saying he is considering alternative budget reductions.
"We will have to figure out where we have financing to substitute for things people feel, maybe properly so, are priorities they would rather sustain," he told reporters after a public appearance in Paramus yesterday. "I may not be in total agreement, but I'm open to it."
Lawmakers yesterday made it clear Corzine would have tough going in his effort to save $500,000 by abolishing the Department of Agriculture.
"We have a lot more issues that are a lot more important for $500,000," said Senate Majority Leader Stephen Sweeney (D- Gloucester). "I think this is a fight we don't need to fight." Read More
The ag producers of New Jersey made it very clear that they wanted to keep the Department of Agriculture open in their state. Congratulations to them for succeeding in their important task.
Manure is a Renewable Resource, Not Toxic Waste
Poultry Litter Power Company To Build In Sampson Co.
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2008
By NBC17
SAMPSON COUNTY, N.C. -- A company that creates energy from poultry litter has selected Sampson County for its next plant.
Fibrowatt announced Wednesday that it will build a new plant in Sampson County -- its first plant in North Carolina. This will be the second plant of its kind in the nation.
The plant will be located in the middle of North Carolina's poultry industry.
According to the company's press release, the plant will offer three benefits:
A new source of biomass energy, helping the state meet its commitment to renewable energy and providing important greenhouse gas benefits
An alternative, beneficial use for poultry litter that will reduce a grower’s exclusive reliance on land application
The creation of about 100 new jobs in the Sampson County area Read More
This is the latest article of several articles that I have brought to you showing that manure is not toxic waste but rather a commodity that contains valuable nutrients. Manure isn’t waste but rather a co-product of food production.
Wednesday, Apr 16, 2008
By NBC17
SAMPSON COUNTY, N.C. -- A company that creates energy from poultry litter has selected Sampson County for its next plant.
Fibrowatt announced Wednesday that it will build a new plant in Sampson County -- its first plant in North Carolina. This will be the second plant of its kind in the nation.
The plant will be located in the middle of North Carolina's poultry industry.
According to the company's press release, the plant will offer three benefits:
A new source of biomass energy, helping the state meet its commitment to renewable energy and providing important greenhouse gas benefits
An alternative, beneficial use for poultry litter that will reduce a grower’s exclusive reliance on land application
The creation of about 100 new jobs in the Sampson County area Read More
This is the latest article of several articles that I have brought to you showing that manure is not toxic waste but rather a commodity that contains valuable nutrients. Manure isn’t waste but rather a co-product of food production.
North Carolina,
poultry litter,
renewable energy
Cheyenne Frontier Days Being Targeted
Animal rights group descends upon Cheyenne
By Baylie Davis
CHEYENNE -- The group that apparently convinced Matchbox Twenty to cancel its appearance at this summer's Cheyenne Frontier Days will be in town on Wednesday.
Members will hold an open press conference at the Laramie County Library.Members of SHARK, SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness, have invited the public as well as CFD and city officials to attend.
SHARK officials wrote in a release that CFD officials "have expressed bewilderment" over Matchbox Twenty's cancellation due to what the band referred to as "mistreatment of animals."
But, the group adds, the reasons for that action are easily found in graphic video documentation from last year's CFD rodeo. Read More
The sport of rodeo, like animal agriculture in general, has had to defend itself for several years now. This is just another avenue for another animal rights group to create a crisis. The head of Cheyenne Frontier Days had it right when he stated that our lifestyle is being threatened. Rodeo will have to continue to educate the public about the sport and how they care for the animals involved.
By Baylie Davis
CHEYENNE -- The group that apparently convinced Matchbox Twenty to cancel its appearance at this summer's Cheyenne Frontier Days will be in town on Wednesday.
Members will hold an open press conference at the Laramie County Library.Members of SHARK, SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness, have invited the public as well as CFD and city officials to attend.
SHARK officials wrote in a release that CFD officials "have expressed bewilderment" over Matchbox Twenty's cancellation due to what the band referred to as "mistreatment of animals."
But, the group adds, the reasons for that action are easily found in graphic video documentation from last year's CFD rodeo. Read More
The sport of rodeo, like animal agriculture in general, has had to defend itself for several years now. This is just another avenue for another animal rights group to create a crisis. The head of Cheyenne Frontier Days had it right when he stated that our lifestyle is being threatened. Rodeo will have to continue to educate the public about the sport and how they care for the animals involved.
animal rights,
Cheyenne Frontier Days,
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
CA Woman Wants to Take Farmer's Choice Away
Pacific Grove woman fights for humane treatment of animals
By KEVIN HOWE Herald Staff Writer
Her family has ranched in the Sacramento Valley since the 1850s when they fed the Gold Rush miners with their beef cattle and crops.
"Family farming," she said, "has been part of my upbringing."
So it's no surprise Zamzow takes an unsentimental, but hard-line stance for the humane treatment of farm animals.
She and other volunteers completed a campaign this year to gather nearly 800,000 signatures on petitions to place the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act on the Nov. 4 ballot.
Zamzow was singled out by Erin Williams, spokeswoman for the Humane Society of the United States' factory farming campaign for her work in gathering hundreds of signatures for the ballot initiative, making her one of the top campaigners in Monterey County. Read More
The California initiative is about choice, not science or animal welfare. HSUS and people like Zamzow want to take away producers options for raising animals, which in turn could force many to quit raising animals altogether. Research has shown no benefit to the animal’s welfare by not using these techniques, so all this will accomplish is to take away the individual freedoms of producers.
By KEVIN HOWE Herald Staff Writer
Her family has ranched in the Sacramento Valley since the 1850s when they fed the Gold Rush miners with their beef cattle and crops.
"Family farming," she said, "has been part of my upbringing."
So it's no surprise Zamzow takes an unsentimental, but hard-line stance for the humane treatment of farm animals.
She and other volunteers completed a campaign this year to gather nearly 800,000 signatures on petitions to place the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act on the Nov. 4 ballot.
Zamzow was singled out by Erin Williams, spokeswoman for the Humane Society of the United States' factory farming campaign for her work in gathering hundreds of signatures for the ballot initiative, making her one of the top campaigners in Monterey County. Read More
The California initiative is about choice, not science or animal welfare. HSUS and people like Zamzow want to take away producers options for raising animals, which in turn could force many to quit raising animals altogether. Research has shown no benefit to the animal’s welfare by not using these techniques, so all this will accomplish is to take away the individual freedoms of producers.
UN Wants to Turn Back the Clock on US Agriculture
Modern farming 'harms poor and environment'
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Nigel Hunt ABC/Reuters
Free trade in agricultural markets can undermine attempts to ease poverty in developing countries and harm the environment, says a UN and World Bank backed report.
"Opening national markets to international competition ... can lead to long-term negative effects on poverty alleviation, food security and the environment," says the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report.
The report urges agricultural science to pay greater attention to safeguarding natural resources.
It promotes 'agro-ecological' practices, such as the use of natural fertilisers and traditional seeds and reducing the distance between the farm and the consumer. Read More
As with most UN reports pertaining to agriculture, there are many things that they don’t like about how we are doing things here in the US. They say increased competition is bad for just about everything. Basically this report would like to have Americans go back to farming like we did 100 years ago.
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Nigel Hunt ABC/Reuters
Free trade in agricultural markets can undermine attempts to ease poverty in developing countries and harm the environment, says a UN and World Bank backed report.
"Opening national markets to international competition ... can lead to long-term negative effects on poverty alleviation, food security and the environment," says the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report.
The report urges agricultural science to pay greater attention to safeguarding natural resources.
It promotes 'agro-ecological' practices, such as the use of natural fertilisers and traditional seeds and reducing the distance between the farm and the consumer. Read More
As with most UN reports pertaining to agriculture, there are many things that they don’t like about how we are doing things here in the US. They say increased competition is bad for just about everything. Basically this report would like to have Americans go back to farming like we did 100 years ago.
free trade,
United Nations,
World Bank
Milk is Good For You (No Kidding!)
In Fad-free Nutrition, exclusively on, the editors of Cooking Light help you digest the latest diet and food news and trends.
When Wal-Mart announced last week that its private label milk would be produced exclusively from cows that had been given no artificial growth hormones, it sparked nationwide concern about how milk is produced and how its production may affect your health.
While scientific studies have proven inconclusive, it's important to focus on what we do know. Milk has nutrients that are essential to your health, so whatever you do, don't stop drinking it. Here's why: Read More
I had to include this article, just because I was a little surprised to see a very pro-milk article (regardless of the rBST issue) appear on CNN. Most articles about milk have all been about using rBST and have been ignoring the fact that milk is a very nutritious product and we all need to drink more of it.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Protecting Medical Research
Cracking down on animal-rights protests
By Matt Krupnick Contra Costa Times
The University of California has gone to the Legislature seeking to restrict public access to information about academics who do animal research and to make it illegal to post personal information about them online.
The prohibited online information would include the researchers' names, home addresses and photographs.
The measure, AB2296, also would outlaw activities targeting corporate researchers.
Assemblyman Gene Mullin, D-San Mateo, agreed to submit the legislation at UC's request after months of harassment, threats and vandalism at the homes and offices of university researchers. Read More
In response to several incidents that UC researchers have unfortunately been involved in, the university is seeking protection for them. What does this say about these terrorists when we have to make laws to protect people that are doing life-saving medical research. Maybe they should volunteer to have these experimental procedures and drugs used on them in order to save these animals.
By Matt Krupnick Contra Costa Times
The University of California has gone to the Legislature seeking to restrict public access to information about academics who do animal research and to make it illegal to post personal information about them online.
The prohibited online information would include the researchers' names, home addresses and photographs.
The measure, AB2296, also would outlaw activities targeting corporate researchers.
Assemblyman Gene Mullin, D-San Mateo, agreed to submit the legislation at UC's request after months of harassment, threats and vandalism at the homes and offices of university researchers. Read More
In response to several incidents that UC researchers have unfortunately been involved in, the university is seeking protection for them. What does this say about these terrorists when we have to make laws to protect people that are doing life-saving medical research. Maybe they should volunteer to have these experimental procedures and drugs used on them in order to save these animals.
Sierra Club tries to stop Power Plants
Global warming has a new battleground: coal plants
By Judy Pasternak Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
WASHINGTON — Every time a new coal-fired power plant is proposed anywhere in the United States, a lawyer from the Sierra Club or an allied environmental group is assigned to stop it, by any bureaucratic or legal means necessary.
They might frame the battle as a matter of zoning or water use, but the larger war is over global warming: Coal puts twice as much temperature-raising carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as natural gas, second to coal as the most common power plant fuel.
The campaign against new coal-powered plants has infuriated utilities, which say the environmentalists' tactics are an abuse of the regulatory and judicial systems. They are counterpunching with ads, lobbying and court briefs of their own, bringing the clash over coal to a pitch that rivals the environmental and legal fights over nuclear power decades ago. Read More
The Sierra Club is going to stop every coal plant by any means necessary because, they say, the plants are making too much plant food. Remember, that’s what carbon dioxide is, is plant food. And once again, Sierra Club puts its agenda and the alleged environmental harm above the human condition. These companies wouldn’t be trying to build new plants if the demand wasn’t there. When your electric bill goes up or you are part of a rolling blackout due to excess demand, you can thank the Sierra Club.
By Judy Pasternak Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
WASHINGTON — Every time a new coal-fired power plant is proposed anywhere in the United States, a lawyer from the Sierra Club or an allied environmental group is assigned to stop it, by any bureaucratic or legal means necessary.
They might frame the battle as a matter of zoning or water use, but the larger war is over global warming: Coal puts twice as much temperature-raising carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as natural gas, second to coal as the most common power plant fuel.
The campaign against new coal-powered plants has infuriated utilities, which say the environmentalists' tactics are an abuse of the regulatory and judicial systems. They are counterpunching with ads, lobbying and court briefs of their own, bringing the clash over coal to a pitch that rivals the environmental and legal fights over nuclear power decades ago. Read More
The Sierra Club is going to stop every coal plant by any means necessary because, they say, the plants are making too much plant food. Remember, that’s what carbon dioxide is, is plant food. And once again, Sierra Club puts its agenda and the alleged environmental harm above the human condition. These companies wouldn’t be trying to build new plants if the demand wasn’t there. When your electric bill goes up or you are part of a rolling blackout due to excess demand, you can thank the Sierra Club.
carbon dioxide,
power plants,
Sierra Club
Farmers are Best
Farmers are best judges of humane treatment of productive units
Many will recall that Professor Harold Hill was a real scalawag, but lovable. That made him believable enough for the folks in River City to support his promotion of a community band to include 76 trombones.
While that theme made Music Man one of Broadway's all-time popular and long-running musicals, similar unbelievable and unlikely promotions appear all too frequently in regard to food production and farm practices. One of the latest is a petition drive leading to propositions in California and three other states that will give voters the audacious and unmerited authority to dictate to farmers how they must house poultry and meat animals.
It is being bankrolled by a scalawag group with the auspicious name Humane Society of the United States (HSUS.). For 50 years it has been less identified with legitimate humane animal treatment than with shock campaigns against widely accepted animal husbandry practices. Read More
Producers will always be the greatest animal welfare experts because they are the ones working with the animals. They have the most to lose if their animals aren’t content, thus making animals less productive. That is why it is so important to talk to consumers about what we do. They want to talk to the producers and you are regarded as a very trusted source.
Many will recall that Professor Harold Hill was a real scalawag, but lovable. That made him believable enough for the folks in River City to support his promotion of a community band to include 76 trombones.
While that theme made Music Man one of Broadway's all-time popular and long-running musicals, similar unbelievable and unlikely promotions appear all too frequently in regard to food production and farm practices. One of the latest is a petition drive leading to propositions in California and three other states that will give voters the audacious and unmerited authority to dictate to farmers how they must house poultry and meat animals.
It is being bankrolled by a scalawag group with the auspicious name Humane Society of the United States (HSUS.). For 50 years it has been less identified with legitimate humane animal treatment than with shock campaigns against widely accepted animal husbandry practices. Read More
Producers will always be the greatest animal welfare experts because they are the ones working with the animals. They have the most to lose if their animals aren’t content, thus making animals less productive. That is why it is so important to talk to consumers about what we do. They want to talk to the producers and you are regarded as a very trusted source.
animal husbandry,
Monday, April 14, 2008
New Way to Utilize Phosphorous from Manure
ARS finding ways to mine manure for phosphorus
Friday, April 11, 2008 12:48 PM CDT
Underground phosphorus deposits around the world are mined for use as a much-valued fertilizer. Now Agricultural Research Service (ARS) soil scientists Ariel Szogi, Matias Vanotti and Patrick Hunt have found a way to “mine” the phosphorus in poultry manure.
In 2006, the United States produced 8.9 billion broilers - and piles and piles of residual litter rich in phosphorus and nitrogen. Although poultry litter is typically used by farmers to fertilize their field crops with these two nutrients, it usually contains more phosphorus than the crops need. The excess phosphorus has the potential to wash away and pollute nearby rivers and lakes.
Szogi, Vanotti and Hunt have developed a method to obtain the phosphorus in poultry litter - consisting of a rapid removal and recovery of phosphorus in solid form - which they've dubbed “Quick Wash.” ARS has applied for a patent on this process. Read More
This article shows exactly why manure should not be regarded as waste, but a valuable nutrient resource. It is a valuable commodity that is in demand by crop producers. For anyone who has implemented a nutrient management plan, phosphorous can be one of the more challenging nutrients to manage. If this process gets up and running, it could be beneficial for livestock and crop producers alike.
Friday, April 11, 2008 12:48 PM CDT
Underground phosphorus deposits around the world are mined for use as a much-valued fertilizer. Now Agricultural Research Service (ARS) soil scientists Ariel Szogi, Matias Vanotti and Patrick Hunt have found a way to “mine” the phosphorus in poultry manure.
In 2006, the United States produced 8.9 billion broilers - and piles and piles of residual litter rich in phosphorus and nitrogen. Although poultry litter is typically used by farmers to fertilize their field crops with these two nutrients, it usually contains more phosphorus than the crops need. The excess phosphorus has the potential to wash away and pollute nearby rivers and lakes.
Szogi, Vanotti and Hunt have developed a method to obtain the phosphorus in poultry litter - consisting of a rapid removal and recovery of phosphorus in solid form - which they've dubbed “Quick Wash.” ARS has applied for a patent on this process. Read More
This article shows exactly why manure should not be regarded as waste, but a valuable nutrient resource. It is a valuable commodity that is in demand by crop producers. For anyone who has implemented a nutrient management plan, phosphorous can be one of the more challenging nutrients to manage. If this process gets up and running, it could be beneficial for livestock and crop producers alike.
Bird Store Protested
Bird store fails to block animal rights protesters
The Associated Press
BURLINGTON, N.J. - Animal rights groups have approval to demonstrate in front of a Burlington County bird store.
Bird Paradise had sued three groups in an effort to block a protest planned for Saturday.
The American Civil Liberties Union aided the groups and says a state judge in Burlington County dismissed the case on Thursday.
Store owner Kathie Hahn says she filed the trespassing lawsuit because the chosen location , along busy Route 130 , wasn't safe and infringed on private property. Hahn says the groups could have chosen another road by the store. Read More
More and more pet stores are starting to be the focus of the animal rights movement. Not only do they not want us to utilize animals as a resource, but they want to be able to tell you which ones you can have as pets. It’s just another way animal rights groups are chipping away at individual freedoms.
The Associated Press
BURLINGTON, N.J. - Animal rights groups have approval to demonstrate in front of a Burlington County bird store.
Bird Paradise had sued three groups in an effort to block a protest planned for Saturday.
The American Civil Liberties Union aided the groups and says a state judge in Burlington County dismissed the case on Thursday.
Store owner Kathie Hahn says she filed the trespassing lawsuit because the chosen location , along busy Route 130 , wasn't safe and infringed on private property. Hahn says the groups could have chosen another road by the store. Read More
More and more pet stores are starting to be the focus of the animal rights movement. Not only do they not want us to utilize animals as a resource, but they want to be able to tell you which ones you can have as pets. It’s just another way animal rights groups are chipping away at individual freedoms.
PETA Takes On Middle School Hunters
PETA takes on Northwestern’s ‘hunting wall’
Published Friday, April 11, 2008
The animal rights organization sent middle school principal Ken Bartelt a letter Monday asking him to take down the Hunter’s Wall, a collection of photographs featuring students’ kills, because it “sets a precedent for a dangerous mind set that glorifies — and even rewards — violence,” according to the letter.
In addition to sending the letter to Bartelt, the organization sent the letter to local media and posted it online.
The Hunter’s Wall is housed in the classroom of Russ Bailey, a science teacher who also teaches a hunter safety course in the classroom after hours. The wall isn’t a trophy case it’s a wall of pictures, and it isn’t about promoting violence, Bartelt said.
The wall has been a spot where students can display their pictures for years and celebrates the region’s hunting culture in the same way it is celebrated local newspapers, which often run photos of hunters and fishers with their trophy kills, he said. Read More (Free registration required)
Hunting is an excellent and necessary component in managing our wildlife populations. It is through the dedication of people like Russ Bailey that future generations are learning the importance of safe and responsible hunting. Anytime we decide that our management policy, for things like wildlife or land, is non-management then Mother Nature does it for us. And often times, it is in a very devastating and violent manner such as disease and wildfires.
Wisconsin Middle School is PETA Target
Anna Kurth The Daily Telegram
Published Friday, April 11, 2008
The animal rights organization sent middle school principal Ken Bartelt a letter Monday asking him to take down the Hunter’s Wall, a collection of photographs featuring students’ kills, because it “sets a precedent for a dangerous mind set that glorifies — and even rewards — violence,” according to the letter.
In addition to sending the letter to Bartelt, the organization sent the letter to local media and posted it online.
The Hunter’s Wall is housed in the classroom of Russ Bailey, a science teacher who also teaches a hunter safety course in the classroom after hours. The wall isn’t a trophy case it’s a wall of pictures, and it isn’t about promoting violence, Bartelt said.
The wall has been a spot where students can display their pictures for years and celebrates the region’s hunting culture in the same way it is celebrated local newspapers, which often run photos of hunters and fishers with their trophy kills, he said. Read More (Free registration required)
Hunting is an excellent and necessary component in managing our wildlife populations. It is through the dedication of people like Russ Bailey that future generations are learning the importance of safe and responsible hunting. Anytime we decide that our management policy, for things like wildlife or land, is non-management then Mother Nature does it for us. And often times, it is in a very devastating and violent manner such as disease and wildfires.
Northwestern Middle School,
Sunday, April 13, 2008

I just finished reading a book called Eco-Freaks by John Berlau. It is a tremendous book that talks about how the environmentalist movement has actually made human life worse off.
One of the main points made throughout the book is something called the "Precautionary Principle". This is the principle that most environmentalists and more and more of the general population have decided to live by. The precautionary principle says that regardless of how many lives something may save or improve, if there is a possibility, however remote, that there could be side affects, then we must not utilize this new technology.
A couple of examples discussed in the book were DDT and asbestos. Most of us, including myself, have grown up hearing how bad these things are. However, DDT was one of the main reasons we were able to practically eliminate malaria across the planet. It was developed in WWII and improved the lives of millions and millions of people. Since DDT has been banned, most countries with malaria problems have gone back to pre-WWII infection levels. Bird populations and tree health were also at all time highs because of DDT. West Nile disease that has killed untold amounts of birds, thousands of horses, and hundreds of people could have been easily controlled with DDT.
Asbestos was eliminated from the building plans of the World Trade Center at the last minute. According to Berlau, if asbestos had been used as a fire proofing material, 4000 of our citizens would probably be alive today. While constant and high level exposure can be detrimental to our health, that wouldn't have been the case in these buildings and more people would be alive today if it had been used.
I have found that we can draw several comparisons from examples in this book, to what is happening in agriculture today. There is a long list of things that animal rights and environmental groups would like to change about agriculture because, according to them, it might be bad for us. But as a whole, will human welfare suffer?
Without the ability to use new technology which provides the safest, most affordable food supply in the world, will we be able to feed the world's population? It is pretty clear that we can't feed the world using technology from the early 20th century. The precautionary principle is being forced on agriculture today, and the results will be the same as it's past implementation unless all of us in agriculture stand up and be counted.
One of the main points made throughout the book is something called the "Precautionary Principle". This is the principle that most environmentalists and more and more of the general population have decided to live by. The precautionary principle says that regardless of how many lives something may save or improve, if there is a possibility, however remote, that there could be side affects, then we must not utilize this new technology.
A couple of examples discussed in the book were DDT and asbestos. Most of us, including myself, have grown up hearing how bad these things are. However, DDT was one of the main reasons we were able to practically eliminate malaria across the planet. It was developed in WWII and improved the lives of millions and millions of people. Since DDT has been banned, most countries with malaria problems have gone back to pre-WWII infection levels. Bird populations and tree health were also at all time highs because of DDT. West Nile disease that has killed untold amounts of birds, thousands of horses, and hundreds of people could have been easily controlled with DDT.
Asbestos was eliminated from the building plans of the World Trade Center at the last minute. According to Berlau, if asbestos had been used as a fire proofing material, 4000 of our citizens would probably be alive today. While constant and high level exposure can be detrimental to our health, that wouldn't have been the case in these buildings and more people would be alive today if it had been used.
I have found that we can draw several comparisons from examples in this book, to what is happening in agriculture today. There is a long list of things that animal rights and environmental groups would like to change about agriculture because, according to them, it might be bad for us. But as a whole, will human welfare suffer?
Without the ability to use new technology which provides the safest, most affordable food supply in the world, will we be able to feed the world's population? It is pretty clear that we can't feed the world using technology from the early 20th century. The precautionary principle is being forced on agriculture today, and the results will be the same as it's past implementation unless all of us in agriculture stand up and be counted.
John Berlau,
precautionary principle
Friday, April 11, 2008
Cows & Cowboys are Obsolete?
Here is a letter to the editor that was published in the West Yellowstone News. This is a perfect example of the lack of knowledge about agriculture that some of our consumers have. He shares a host of misconceptions in this letter that all of us need to try eliminating. Livestock production will always be a key component to feeding the world. There are a few of us writing rebuttals to this letter. Please join us in doing so by going to the following website.
To the Editor:
Cows, cowboys and cattle ranchers are obsolete. Only they don't know it. A kilogram of grain fed beef takes 100,000 liters of water to produce; thirty times as much as a kilo of chicken meat. Feed prices are now sky high because America is burning grain in its cars. The same kilo of beef takes fourteen times the fossil energy input as chicken. What's the price of gas?
Our supply of hamburger often arrives contaminated. Beef itself is not a healthy food for those prone to heart and vascular disease. Feedlots generate enormous ground water, river and estuary pollution from animal waste, hormones and antibiotics. Cows are susceptible to brucellosis, for which there is no effective vaccine. Many cattle ranchers say they can't operate profitably without subsidies in the form of cheap grazing rights on our public lands. Then, because they can't protect their cows and calves out on the range, they want to wipe out whole species of carnivores.
If I were in the cow business, I would stop corrupting our political system, stop asking the government to stifle the competition, stop lobbying the DOL to kill more bison, stop stonewalling the life cycle tracking of individual cows, stop raising artificially fattened animals, stop shooting wolves and start looking around for a new occupation. Sell the ranch and retire. Open the range to free roaming bison. Set up a wind farm. Lease land to the Hutterites. Or, take a look at a land trust.
If I were in the cow business, I would do some strategic planning, for the sake of my family, before I miss the boat completely. When the market can no longer hide the true price of beef, the only option will be to turn toward Washington and pray for a taxpayer bailout. By then, the investment banks will have beat me to it.
Jay Moor
To the Editor:
Cows, cowboys and cattle ranchers are obsolete. Only they don't know it. A kilogram of grain fed beef takes 100,000 liters of water to produce; thirty times as much as a kilo of chicken meat. Feed prices are now sky high because America is burning grain in its cars. The same kilo of beef takes fourteen times the fossil energy input as chicken. What's the price of gas?
Our supply of hamburger often arrives contaminated. Beef itself is not a healthy food for those prone to heart and vascular disease. Feedlots generate enormous ground water, river and estuary pollution from animal waste, hormones and antibiotics. Cows are susceptible to brucellosis, for which there is no effective vaccine. Many cattle ranchers say they can't operate profitably without subsidies in the form of cheap grazing rights on our public lands. Then, because they can't protect their cows and calves out on the range, they want to wipe out whole species of carnivores.
If I were in the cow business, I would stop corrupting our political system, stop asking the government to stifle the competition, stop lobbying the DOL to kill more bison, stop stonewalling the life cycle tracking of individual cows, stop raising artificially fattened animals, stop shooting wolves and start looking around for a new occupation. Sell the ranch and retire. Open the range to free roaming bison. Set up a wind farm. Lease land to the Hutterites. Or, take a look at a land trust.
If I were in the cow business, I would do some strategic planning, for the sake of my family, before I miss the boat completely. When the market can no longer hide the true price of beef, the only option will be to turn toward Washington and pray for a taxpayer bailout. By then, the investment banks will have beat me to it.
Jay Moor
Cost of the Beef Recall
Footing the bill for the beef
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2008
Someone has to pay for the largest beef recall in U.S. history. The federal government wants a California slaughterhouse to do so and has billed it $67 million for expenses related to the recall of 143 million pounds of beef in February. Read More
The cost of this recall continues to mount for Westland/Hallmark. It will be difficult for them to be able to pay the entire tab, and I agree that the government will end up paying some of the costs.
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2008
Someone has to pay for the largest beef recall in U.S. history. The federal government wants a California slaughterhouse to do so and has billed it $67 million for expenses related to the recall of 143 million pounds of beef in February. Read More
The cost of this recall continues to mount for Westland/Hallmark. It will be difficult for them to be able to pay the entire tab, and I agree that the government will end up paying some of the costs.
beef recall,
food safety,
Animal Activists Hurt Their Cause
Animal activists often hurt their own causes
I love critters as much as most people.
I've grown up with cats and dogs and hamsters - and treasured them all.
Having been raised in northern Ontario where we owned a cabin (or camp, as it was called there), I also hunted grouse at an early age.
I've since lost my love of that and now prefer to photograph wildlife rather than see it dead on my plate.
Stories of animal abuse make me feel sick to my stomach. I truly admire people in the field of animal welfare who try to improve the lot of our feathered and furry friends.
What I don't understand, though, is why some animal advocates become so strident in their cause that there's a backlash and they wind up crippling their case. Read More
I attribute the success of the HSUS to the point made in this piece. Wayne Pacelle figured out that they needed to seem very mainstream, especially compared to other animal rights groups, in order to be successful in accomplishing their agenda.
I love critters as much as most people.
I've grown up with cats and dogs and hamsters - and treasured them all.
Having been raised in northern Ontario where we owned a cabin (or camp, as it was called there), I also hunted grouse at an early age.
I've since lost my love of that and now prefer to photograph wildlife rather than see it dead on my plate.
Stories of animal abuse make me feel sick to my stomach. I truly admire people in the field of animal welfare who try to improve the lot of our feathered and furry friends.
What I don't understand, though, is why some animal advocates become so strident in their cause that there's a backlash and they wind up crippling their case. Read More
I attribute the success of the HSUS to the point made in this piece. Wayne Pacelle figured out that they needed to seem very mainstream, especially compared to other animal rights groups, in order to be successful in accomplishing their agenda.
animal activists,
animal rights,
Paul Watson
Animal rights fight to ballot
Animal rights fight to ballot
Egg-laying hens, pregnant pigs and calves raised for veal could not be confined in restrictive enclosures in California that did not allow them to extend their wings or limbs, under an initiative that qualified Wednesday for the Nov. 4 ballot.
Sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States, the Treatment of Farm Animals statute is likely to generate spirited debate between animal rights activists and farmers who contend it would raise prices for consumers. Read More
The California bill to eliminate confining farm animals has made it onto the November ballot. Millions and millions will be spent on this ballot measure. Thousands of jobs and reduced welfare for farm animals will result with the passage of this law.
Egg-laying hens, pregnant pigs and calves raised for veal could not be confined in restrictive enclosures in California that did not allow them to extend their wings or limbs, under an initiative that qualified Wednesday for the Nov. 4 ballot.
Sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States, the Treatment of Farm Animals statute is likely to generate spirited debate between animal rights activists and farmers who contend it would raise prices for consumers. Read More
The California bill to eliminate confining farm animals has made it onto the November ballot. Millions and millions will be spent on this ballot measure. Thousands of jobs and reduced welfare for farm animals will result with the passage of this law.
animal confinements,
farm animals,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hightower compares CAFO to concentration camp
Hightower rallies crowd against corporate agriculture
Anita Weier — 4/05/2008 5:28 pm
Progressive author and columnist Jim Hightower energized a gathering of 160 people at a conference about the impacts of large livestock operations in Wisconsin with homespun humor and sharp wit.
"You, who are taking on the CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation) giants, you are showing the guts and gumption to pioneer and to challenge the conventional wisdom, to confront the corporate order, to crash the bureaucratic barriers," he said.
Referring to huge farms with thousands of animals as "the concentration camps of agriculture," Hightower accused corporate agriculture of turning food production into an assembly line using genetic engineering, antibiotics, sex hormones, irradiation and cloning so that "every cow and every tomato will have the same texture, taste and composition."
The fight against such operations will not be easy, Hightower said, because opponents are challenging the money and power of the agribusiness establishment and its effect on politicians. He added that those present should follow the example of three Wisconsin groups - the Organic Valley Family of Farms, Union Cab and Fighting Bob Fest - that he said all developed their own way of taking back power for the people. Read More
When people such as Jim Hightower suggest that the way we raise farm animals is the same as how people were treated in concentration camps in WW II is utterly ridiculous and offensive. In fact they are treated quite the opposite. The animals are fed a balanced diet everyday, have access to clean water and have health professionals looking after them their entire lives. That’s not what Anne Frank and millions of other human beings experienced in concentration camps.
Anita Weier — 4/05/2008 5:28 pm
Progressive author and columnist Jim Hightower energized a gathering of 160 people at a conference about the impacts of large livestock operations in Wisconsin with homespun humor and sharp wit.
"You, who are taking on the CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation) giants, you are showing the guts and gumption to pioneer and to challenge the conventional wisdom, to confront the corporate order, to crash the bureaucratic barriers," he said.
Referring to huge farms with thousands of animals as "the concentration camps of agriculture," Hightower accused corporate agriculture of turning food production into an assembly line using genetic engineering, antibiotics, sex hormones, irradiation and cloning so that "every cow and every tomato will have the same texture, taste and composition."
The fight against such operations will not be easy, Hightower said, because opponents are challenging the money and power of the agribusiness establishment and its effect on politicians. He added that those present should follow the example of three Wisconsin groups - the Organic Valley Family of Farms, Union Cab and Fighting Bob Fest - that he said all developed their own way of taking back power for the people. Read More
When people such as Jim Hightower suggest that the way we raise farm animals is the same as how people were treated in concentration camps in WW II is utterly ridiculous and offensive. In fact they are treated quite the opposite. The animals are fed a balanced diet everyday, have access to clean water and have health professionals looking after them their entire lives. That’s not what Anne Frank and millions of other human beings experienced in concentration camps.
concentration camps,
corporate agriculture,
PETA: Killing Kids the same as Eating Meat
PETA touts vegetarian meals for Underwood
The Norman Transcript
Members of the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent an "urgent" letter to Oklahoma State Penitentiary Warden Marty Sirmons Tuesday, urging Simmons to provide convicted murderer Kevin Ray Underwood with exclusively vegetarian meals to prevent him from "being involved in any more senseless killing" while in prison.
"While you can't stop all violence, you do have the power to prevent Underwood from contributing to any more suffering and death by placing him on a healthy, humane vegetarian diet," the letter states. Read More
PETA is suggesting that if you eat meat, it is no different that beating, sexually assaulting, and suffocating a 10 year old child. It just goes to show you how little value is placed on human life and welfare by PETA. They care more about furthering their agenda than the life of our children.
The Norman Transcript
Members of the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent an "urgent" letter to Oklahoma State Penitentiary Warden Marty Sirmons Tuesday, urging Simmons to provide convicted murderer Kevin Ray Underwood with exclusively vegetarian meals to prevent him from "being involved in any more senseless killing" while in prison.
"While you can't stop all violence, you do have the power to prevent Underwood from contributing to any more suffering and death by placing him on a healthy, humane vegetarian diet," the letter states. Read More
PETA is suggesting that if you eat meat, it is no different that beating, sexually assaulting, and suffocating a 10 year old child. It just goes to show you how little value is placed on human life and welfare by PETA. They care more about furthering their agenda than the life of our children.
PETA Investigates Cat Death
PETA wants investigation at UConn
By News Channel 8's Bob Wilson
Posted April 9, 2008
The University of Connecticut is responding to PETA's call for a federal investigation into research conducted on cats.
Justin Goodman investigates labs for PETA. He says an anonymous whistle blower came forward saying a cat was killed prematurely during medical research on hearing at UConn.
"These people are supposed to know what they are doing, and here they are drilling a hole into a cats head and she bleeds out, and has a brain hemorrhage before they can even conduct their experiment," Goodman said.
It is an experiment which is legal and funded by the government. UConn released a statement that says, "The PETA account, provided to the media, has several serious inaccuracies: the truth is that the cat in question was never paralyzed and did not bleed to death and the head veterinarian was present." Read More
While it is unfortunate that this cat died, I think this is a perfect example of how important it is that we continue to be able to use them in life-saving medical research. It is apparent by the outcome of this experiment that this procedure may have some dangers that need to be addressed. This research may have already saved a human life.
By News Channel 8's Bob Wilson
Posted April 9, 2008
The University of Connecticut is responding to PETA's call for a federal investigation into research conducted on cats.
Justin Goodman investigates labs for PETA. He says an anonymous whistle blower came forward saying a cat was killed prematurely during medical research on hearing at UConn.
"These people are supposed to know what they are doing, and here they are drilling a hole into a cats head and she bleeds out, and has a brain hemorrhage before they can even conduct their experiment," Goodman said.
It is an experiment which is legal and funded by the government. UConn released a statement that says, "The PETA account, provided to the media, has several serious inaccuracies: the truth is that the cat in question was never paralyzed and did not bleed to death and the head veterinarian was present." Read More
While it is unfortunate that this cat died, I think this is a perfect example of how important it is that we continue to be able to use them in life-saving medical research. It is apparent by the outcome of this experiment that this procedure may have some dangers that need to be addressed. This research may have already saved a human life.
animal testing,
medical research,
Four Packing Plants Cited
Four plants that supply meat to schools cited
By Julie Schmit, USA TODAY
Four of 18 beef slaughterhouses that supply the nation's school lunch program were cited for inhumane treatment of cattle in a recent federal audit, and one was temporarily shut down.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture released the results Tuesday to Congress, which asked for the audit in February after the shutdown of Westland/Hallmark Meat in Chino, Calif., a school lunch supplier cited for egregious violations of federal rules on humane handling.
The USDA didn't name the suspended plant. But a letter from the USDA to Sen. Herbert Kohl, D-Wis., chair of an agriculture subcommittee, said the plant failed to effectively stun cattle on the first attempt before slaughter, a somewhat common humane-handling violation. The plant corrected the problem and lost about a half day of production, says Amanda Eamich, USDA spokeswoman. Read More
All of us in livestock production are going to be under a microscope in the media, because of the beef recall. It is important for everyone, up and down the production chain, to realize how important it is that we handle our livestock in the proper ways. Groups like HSUS would love nothing more than to find anything they could sensationalize and use it to deal another blow to the livestock industry’s reputation.
By Julie Schmit, USA TODAY
Four of 18 beef slaughterhouses that supply the nation's school lunch program were cited for inhumane treatment of cattle in a recent federal audit, and one was temporarily shut down.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture released the results Tuesday to Congress, which asked for the audit in February after the shutdown of Westland/Hallmark Meat in Chino, Calif., a school lunch supplier cited for egregious violations of federal rules on humane handling.
The USDA didn't name the suspended plant. But a letter from the USDA to Sen. Herbert Kohl, D-Wis., chair of an agriculture subcommittee, said the plant failed to effectively stun cattle on the first attempt before slaughter, a somewhat common humane-handling violation. The plant corrected the problem and lost about a half day of production, says Amanda Eamich, USDA spokeswoman. Read More
All of us in livestock production are going to be under a microscope in the media, because of the beef recall. It is important for everyone, up and down the production chain, to realize how important it is that we handle our livestock in the proper ways. Groups like HSUS would love nothing more than to find anything they could sensationalize and use it to deal another blow to the livestock industry’s reputation.
school lunch,
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Is eating beef safe?
Is eating beef safe?
The Orange County Register
In 2006, Seattle food safety attorney Bill Marler advised produce packers and growers to look at the beef sector for tips on reducing food borne illness outbreaks.
At the time, a series of E. coli outbreaks had rocked the industry – sickening more than 200 people who ate tainted spinach or lettuce. In the meantime, the beef industry, plagued in the 1990s by similar food scares, had made great strides in reducing food poisoning cases.
Now, the pendulum has swung.
Since 2007, federal health officials have documented 67 beef recalls, up from eight in 2006. At least 20 recalls are linked to E. coli tainted meat. Read More
Consumers are asking a lot of questions about our food supply right now and this article addresses several of them. All of us in agriculture should be prepared to answer any of the questions that are raised in this article.
The Orange County Register
In 2006, Seattle food safety attorney Bill Marler advised produce packers and growers to look at the beef sector for tips on reducing food borne illness outbreaks.
At the time, a series of E. coli outbreaks had rocked the industry – sickening more than 200 people who ate tainted spinach or lettuce. In the meantime, the beef industry, plagued in the 1990s by similar food scares, had made great strides in reducing food poisoning cases.
Now, the pendulum has swung.
Since 2007, federal health officials have documented 67 beef recalls, up from eight in 2006. At least 20 recalls are linked to E. coli tainted meat. Read More
Consumers are asking a lot of questions about our food supply right now and this article addresses several of them. All of us in agriculture should be prepared to answer any of the questions that are raised in this article.
Keeping Animals Healthy
New AHI Website Focuses on the Importance of Healthy Animals
PR Newswire
WASHINGTON, April 8, 2008, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Highlights Policy Important to Protect Animal, Human Health
The Animal Health Institute (AHI) today launched its newly designed "Keeping Animals Healthy" website to help consumers and policymakers better understand the important role of public policy in providing animal medicines to keep both animals and humans healthy.
"Americans are becoming more aware of the relationship between animal health and public health," said AHI President and CEO Alexander S. Mathews. "Thoughtful public policies are needed to manage the risk of diseases that can be spread between animals and humans." Read More
Check out this new website, Keep Animals Healthy, put together by the Animal Health Institute. There is a lot of good information on there that you can use when telling the positive story of agriculture.
PR Newswire
WASHINGTON, April 8, 2008, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Highlights Policy Important to Protect Animal, Human Health
The Animal Health Institute (AHI) today launched its newly designed "Keeping Animals Healthy" website to help consumers and policymakers better understand the important role of public policy in providing animal medicines to keep both animals and humans healthy.
"Americans are becoming more aware of the relationship between animal health and public health," said AHI President and CEO Alexander S. Mathews. "Thoughtful public policies are needed to manage the risk of diseases that can be spread between animals and humans." Read More
Check out this new website, Keep Animals Healthy, put together by the Animal Health Institute. There is a lot of good information on there that you can use when telling the positive story of agriculture.
PETA's Online Games
PETA's Campaign Against Burberry Through Online Game Proves Successful
Game Featuring "Animal Avengers" Storming Burberry HQ, Gains Popularity amongst Youth
(PRWEB) April 8, 2008 --
PETA ( has taken a different approach to its anti-fur campaign against leading clothing retailers by launching an online game. The game called "Bloody Burberry" has been released on ( to reach out to the youth.
In the game, a player can choose an "Animal Avenger" and start the first level where the character runs around a Burberry store spraying all the fur clothing with blood! Read More
As I have mentioned before, PETA is has made it very clear that it is going to try to brainwash your kids with their agenda. They have Peta2, which is a website geared towards kids, online videos, and a point system for kids to keep track of their animal rights activities. Now they are making online games where kids are encouraged to commit vandalism. This group continues on the extremely radical path, dangerously making groups like the HSUS seem mainstream.
Game Featuring "Animal Avengers" Storming Burberry HQ, Gains Popularity amongst Youth
(PRWEB) April 8, 2008 --
PETA ( has taken a different approach to its anti-fur campaign against leading clothing retailers by launching an online game. The game called "Bloody Burberry" has been released on ( to reach out to the youth.
In the game, a player can choose an "Animal Avenger" and start the first level where the character runs around a Burberry store spraying all the fur clothing with blood! Read More
As I have mentioned before, PETA is has made it very clear that it is going to try to brainwash your kids with their agenda. They have Peta2, which is a website geared towards kids, online videos, and a point system for kids to keep track of their animal rights activities. Now they are making online games where kids are encouraged to commit vandalism. This group continues on the extremely radical path, dangerously making groups like the HSUS seem mainstream.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Reduced meat eating can help save environment
Reduced meat eating can help save environment
April 7, 2008
Kate Rosettie
As an active athlete, I rely on meat as a source of protein, but just how much meat do we need and at what cost to our bodies and the environment?
Meat consumption is soaring worldwide, especially in newly industrializing nations. The destructive consequences of the spread of the 'Western diet' include environmental damage, water scarcity, animal cruelty, global warming and health issues. Moreover, as meat consumption increases so does the competition for food sources that go to livestock rather than to people who already suffer from hunger in the world.
The adverse consequences of widespread livestock production are becoming increasingly problematic. According to the Compassion in World Faming Trust (CIWF), livestock production uses the greatest percentage of agricultural land, and it is depleting water supplies. Read More
The major fallacy of this argument is that everyone assumes that every acre that is grazed by animals could be converted to cropland. If we eliminated livestock production, a vast majority of the western half of the United States would become a wasted resource. Livestock are the reason we have as much food as we do. They convert sunshine into protein, which is something that the human body can not do. Unless the human body can evolve to the point that we have a rumen, livestock will be key to feeding the world.
April 7, 2008
Kate Rosettie
As an active athlete, I rely on meat as a source of protein, but just how much meat do we need and at what cost to our bodies and the environment?
Meat consumption is soaring worldwide, especially in newly industrializing nations. The destructive consequences of the spread of the 'Western diet' include environmental damage, water scarcity, animal cruelty, global warming and health issues. Moreover, as meat consumption increases so does the competition for food sources that go to livestock rather than to people who already suffer from hunger in the world.
The adverse consequences of widespread livestock production are becoming increasingly problematic. According to the Compassion in World Faming Trust (CIWF), livestock production uses the greatest percentage of agricultural land, and it is depleting water supplies. Read More
The major fallacy of this argument is that everyone assumes that every acre that is grazed by animals could be converted to cropland. If we eliminated livestock production, a vast majority of the western half of the United States would become a wasted resource. Livestock are the reason we have as much food as we do. They convert sunshine into protein, which is something that the human body can not do. Unless the human body can evolve to the point that we have a rumen, livestock will be key to feeding the world.
animal cruelty,
global warming,
livestock production,
Global Warming & Cannibalism
Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism
Failure to address global warming will have us all dead or eating each other by mid-century.
So says Ted Turner, the restaurateur, environmentalist and former media mogul whose controversial comments have earned him the nickname "Mouth of the South."
If steps aren't taken to stem global warming, "We'll be eight degrees hotter in 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow," Turner said during a wide-ranging, hour-long interview with PBS's Charlie Rose that aired Tuesday.
"Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals," said Turner, 69.
"Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state — like Somalia or Sudan — and living conditions will be intolerable.
"One way to combat global warming, Turner said, is to stabilize the population. Read More
The idea that the world is overpopulated is an old one. Several decades ago there were some that said this very thing and yet the population of the earth is much larger than even fifty years ago and we are still here. The fallacy in this argument is a variable, which most don’t consider when making these statements, called the human brain. We continue to develop new technology that supports more and more human life, and agriculture has always been at the forefront. We continue to produce more food, more efficiently and that is just one of the great stories that ag can be proud of.
Failure to address global warming will have us all dead or eating each other by mid-century.
So says Ted Turner, the restaurateur, environmentalist and former media mogul whose controversial comments have earned him the nickname "Mouth of the South."
If steps aren't taken to stem global warming, "We'll be eight degrees hotter in 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow," Turner said during a wide-ranging, hour-long interview with PBS's Charlie Rose that aired Tuesday.
"Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals," said Turner, 69.
"Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state — like Somalia or Sudan — and living conditions will be intolerable.
"One way to combat global warming, Turner said, is to stabilize the population. Read More
The idea that the world is overpopulated is an old one. Several decades ago there were some that said this very thing and yet the population of the earth is much larger than even fifty years ago and we are still here. The fallacy in this argument is a variable, which most don’t consider when making these statements, called the human brain. We continue to develop new technology that supports more and more human life, and agriculture has always been at the forefront. We continue to produce more food, more efficiently and that is just one of the great stories that ag can be proud of.
global warming,
Ted Turner
Students Fight to Keep Dept. of Ag
Students fight farming proposal
Sunday, April 06, 2008
By Heather Simione
OLDMANS TWP. Students from Oldmans Township School are protesting Gov. Jon S. Corzine's proposal to eliminate the state's Department of Agriculture.
In a letter written to Corzine, these 12 students who call their group the "Inside Scoop," expressed their displeasure with the governor's supposed money-saving move.
"It's New Jersey ...we're the Garden State," said seventh grader Kyle Huntington. "Without the Department of Agriculture it's pointless for us to carry that name. Don't these people understand ... with no farms how are we supposed to eat?" Read More
Congratulations to these kids for going out and telling the story of how important agriculture is to their own governor. Everybody in New Jersey will be affected by the closing of the Dept of Ag, because everybody eats. Most kids aren’t growing up even knowing anything about agriculture, let alone standing up and supporting agriculture. Again, congratulations to the “Inside Scoop”.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
By Heather Simione
OLDMANS TWP. Students from Oldmans Township School are protesting Gov. Jon S. Corzine's proposal to eliminate the state's Department of Agriculture.
In a letter written to Corzine, these 12 students who call their group the "Inside Scoop," expressed their displeasure with the governor's supposed money-saving move.
"It's New Jersey ...we're the Garden State," said seventh grader Kyle Huntington. "Without the Department of Agriculture it's pointless for us to carry that name. Don't these people understand ... with no farms how are we supposed to eat?" Read More
Congratulations to these kids for going out and telling the story of how important agriculture is to their own governor. Everybody in New Jersey will be affected by the closing of the Dept of Ag, because everybody eats. Most kids aren’t growing up even knowing anything about agriculture, let alone standing up and supporting agriculture. Again, congratulations to the “Inside Scoop”.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Restaurant to be Hormone Free
Pollo Tropical drops hormones from Florida restaurants
South Florida Business Journal - by Alexis Muellner
Pollo Tropical Restaurants said it has made changes to ingredients in products it serves in Florida.
The company boasts that its entire menu is now "hormone free."
Miami-based Pollo Tropical serves a range of grilled fare with a Latino theme. The company sells a signature marinated chicken item, as well as roast pork, ribs, grilled shrimp and steak.
"Hormone free" means the animal was not given or subjected to artificial hormones, the company said. Read More
He we go again. Now it’s a “hormone free” restaurant. Unless they are only serving sunshine and scenery, there are hormones in the food they are serving. And the worst part is their definition of hormone free, they say it means none of the animals were given artificial hormones, but that is a long ways from being hormone free. Every bit of food they serve there will have hormones in it. Hormones are one of the reasons that life exists on this plant. They are the biological messages that the body uses to control almost everything is has to accomplish. Because of that, regardless of how the animal was raised, there will be hormones in it. Most of the hormones in a meal that will be served at this restaurant will be from the vegetables. A 3 oz serving of cabbage will have over 1000 times as mush estrogen in it as a 3 oz serving of beef from an animal that has been treated with a growth hormone.
South Florida Business Journal - by Alexis Muellner
Pollo Tropical Restaurants said it has made changes to ingredients in products it serves in Florida.
The company boasts that its entire menu is now "hormone free."
Miami-based Pollo Tropical serves a range of grilled fare with a Latino theme. The company sells a signature marinated chicken item, as well as roast pork, ribs, grilled shrimp and steak.
"Hormone free" means the animal was not given or subjected to artificial hormones, the company said. Read More
He we go again. Now it’s a “hormone free” restaurant. Unless they are only serving sunshine and scenery, there are hormones in the food they are serving. And the worst part is their definition of hormone free, they say it means none of the animals were given artificial hormones, but that is a long ways from being hormone free. Every bit of food they serve there will have hormones in it. Hormones are one of the reasons that life exists on this plant. They are the biological messages that the body uses to control almost everything is has to accomplish. Because of that, regardless of how the animal was raised, there will be hormones in it. Most of the hormones in a meal that will be served at this restaurant will be from the vegetables. A 3 oz serving of cabbage will have over 1000 times as mush estrogen in it as a 3 oz serving of beef from an animal that has been treated with a growth hormone.
hormone free,
Pollo Tropical,
PETA Protests Shrine Circus
PETA hopes to stop Shrine Circus show coming to the city
Tb News SourceWeb Posted: 4/4/2008 8:18:47 PM
What bills itself as the 'Greatest Show on Earth' is expected to draw some protest when it stops in the city next month.
A local group is planning to take part in a national PETA campaign against the Shrine Circus and the use of animals in their shows and so far, over 120 members have joined a local Facebook group to 'fight the circus'. The Thunder Bay chapter of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says its planning a protest calling for a ban on the use of animals in such shows.
However Shriner Andy Anderson, also known as Wrinkles the Clown, says he has never seen the animals harmed in any way and Anderson has been clowning since 1948. He's not taking the group seriously adding there is no truth to what they are saying.
Anderson says the circus has veterinarians that travel with them and animals are an important part of the show. The local stop has raised more than $80,000 each year for the Shriner's hospital for children. Read More
PETA has once again put animals above the welfare of children. The Shrine circus is a major fundraiser for their hospitals, which treat sick children at little or no cost. Yet PETA is willing to throw that all away because it thinks that these animals are mistreated. Children’s welfare should be more important than protesting a circus.
Tb News SourceWeb Posted: 4/4/2008 8:18:47 PM
What bills itself as the 'Greatest Show on Earth' is expected to draw some protest when it stops in the city next month.
A local group is planning to take part in a national PETA campaign against the Shrine Circus and the use of animals in their shows and so far, over 120 members have joined a local Facebook group to 'fight the circus'. The Thunder Bay chapter of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says its planning a protest calling for a ban on the use of animals in such shows.
However Shriner Andy Anderson, also known as Wrinkles the Clown, says he has never seen the animals harmed in any way and Anderson has been clowning since 1948. He's not taking the group seriously adding there is no truth to what they are saying.
Anderson says the circus has veterinarians that travel with them and animals are an important part of the show. The local stop has raised more than $80,000 each year for the Shriner's hospital for children. Read More
PETA has once again put animals above the welfare of children. The Shrine circus is a major fundraiser for their hospitals, which treat sick children at little or no cost. Yet PETA is willing to throw that all away because it thinks that these animals are mistreated. Children’s welfare should be more important than protesting a circus.
Friday, April 4, 2008
National Women in Agriculture Conference

We've just returned from speaking at the National Women in Agriculture Conference in Oklahoma City. It was a tremendous event and we were fortunate to visit with people from all over the United States. Here is a picture from the conference of Stacy and I presenting.
More and more people are realizing how important our message of telling the story of agriculture is. Many states are dealing with a variety of issues involving animal agriculture, and there is no doubt that California is the front line this year.
All of us involved in production agriculture must get out and start talking to consumers and explaining who we are and what we do. There are more people involved with organizations that would like to see animal agriculture eliminated in this country than there are people involved directly with food production.
Animal welfare is a priority for producers because our human welfare depends on it.
New Hampshire says No to Cage Ban
From Feedstuffs:
A bill in the New Hampshire Legislature supported by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and would have banned cage-egg production systems failed in the state's House Agriculture Committee on a 16-0 vote. It was subsequently voted down in the full House by voice vote last month.
Meanwhile, a bill that would have banned the production and sale of foie gras in Maryland was rejected by the Maryland Legislature last month. The bill was supported by the Baltimore (Md.) Animal Rights Coalition. Link
Not only did the House Ag Committee of New Hampshire say no to this bill, they said heck no by voting unanimously against it. We will have to wait and see what the HSUS response will be.
A bill in the New Hampshire Legislature supported by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and would have banned cage-egg production systems failed in the state's House Agriculture Committee on a 16-0 vote. It was subsequently voted down in the full House by voice vote last month.
Meanwhile, a bill that would have banned the production and sale of foie gras in Maryland was rejected by the Maryland Legislature last month. The bill was supported by the Baltimore (Md.) Animal Rights Coalition. Link
Not only did the House Ag Committee of New Hampshire say no to this bill, they said heck no by voting unanimously against it. We will have to wait and see what the HSUS response will be.
cage free eggs,
New Hampshire
Colorado's Confined Animal Bill
Confined animal bill corralled in committee
By MetroWest Staff
K.C. Mason
DENVER — Under threat of a petition drive for a ballot question, Colorado lawmakers and state Agriculture Commissioner John Stulp are moving forward with a bill to increase regulations on confined animals that are raised for pork and veal.
Senate Bill 201, sponsored by Dist. 6 Sen. Jim Isgar, D-Hesperus, would prohibit the confinement of gestating sows or calves raised for veal in a way that does not allow the animal to stand up, lie down, and turn around without touching the enclosure’s sides.
“My concern is to avert a ballot initiative, which I feel this does,” Stulp said during testimony last week before the Senate Agriculture Committee. “This recognizes the need … to address future husbandry issues and hopefully get out ahead of the curve.” Read More
Colorado is trying to prevent a ballot measure, proposed by the HSUS, by passing a bill through the legislature. The decision not to fight it out at the ballots was due largely to the fact the HSUS has been very successful in ballot measures and also the amount of money they had committed to the measure. While ag could not have gone dollar for dollar with the HSUS, they have something more powerful than money, and that is the positive story of modern production agriculture. I only wish they would have used that more to their advantage.
By MetroWest Staff
K.C. Mason
DENVER — Under threat of a petition drive for a ballot question, Colorado lawmakers and state Agriculture Commissioner John Stulp are moving forward with a bill to increase regulations on confined animals that are raised for pork and veal.
Senate Bill 201, sponsored by Dist. 6 Sen. Jim Isgar, D-Hesperus, would prohibit the confinement of gestating sows or calves raised for veal in a way that does not allow the animal to stand up, lie down, and turn around without touching the enclosure’s sides.
“My concern is to avert a ballot initiative, which I feel this does,” Stulp said during testimony last week before the Senate Agriculture Committee. “This recognizes the need … to address future husbandry issues and hopefully get out ahead of the curve.” Read More
Colorado is trying to prevent a ballot measure, proposed by the HSUS, by passing a bill through the legislature. The decision not to fight it out at the ballots was due largely to the fact the HSUS has been very successful in ballot measures and also the amount of money they had committed to the measure. While ag could not have gone dollar for dollar with the HSUS, they have something more powerful than money, and that is the positive story of modern production agriculture. I only wish they would have used that more to their advantage.
gestation crates,
Eco-Terrorism is Public Enemy #1
FBI: Eco-Terrorism Remains No. 1 Domestic Terror Threat
Monday , March 31, 2008
For nearly seven years, the nation has turned its terror focus on Al Qaeda and the hunt for Usama bin Laden. But there is a domestic terror threat that federal officials still consider priority No. 1 — eco-terrorism.
The torching of luxury homes in the swank Seattle suburb of Woodinville earlier this month served as a reminder that the decades-long war with militant environmentalists on American soil has not ended.
"It remains what we would probably consider the No. 1 domestic terrorism threat, because they have successfully continued to conduct different types of attacks in and around the country," said FBI Special Agent Richard Kolko. Read More
These terrorists don’t just attack research facilities and or corporations, they have also attacked family farms and ranches. No options are off the table, for this group, when it comes to violently trying to stop the things they are against. If we have an agri-terrorism event in the United States, it is more likely to have come from these groups rather than from overseas.
Monday , March 31, 2008
For nearly seven years, the nation has turned its terror focus on Al Qaeda and the hunt for Usama bin Laden. But there is a domestic terror threat that federal officials still consider priority No. 1 — eco-terrorism.
The torching of luxury homes in the swank Seattle suburb of Woodinville earlier this month served as a reminder that the decades-long war with militant environmentalists on American soil has not ended.
"It remains what we would probably consider the No. 1 domestic terrorism threat, because they have successfully continued to conduct different types of attacks in and around the country," said FBI Special Agent Richard Kolko. Read More
These terrorists don’t just attack research facilities and or corporations, they have also attacked family farms and ranches. No options are off the table, for this group, when it comes to violently trying to stop the things they are against. If we have an agri-terrorism event in the United States, it is more likely to have come from these groups rather than from overseas.
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