Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Religious Animal Rights

Keeping Pets in Their Place
Why we can't afford to treat animals like they're humans.
Charles Colson with Anne Morse
posted 4/29/2008 08:27AM

Five years ago I warned in this space about an aggressive animal-rights movement that seeks to blur the distinction between animals and humans. Since then it has gained steam, even unwittingly drawing some Christians into its orbit.

I know of a Bible study group in Los Angeles that recently laid hands on a sick dog, praying God would heal her—and if not, receive her into heaven. A Christian veterinarian administers healing sessions for patients. And dozens of websites offer biblical "proof" that animals are resurrected, as if Christ's atonement somehow included them.

Well-meaning evangelical authors write of their hopes that God will admit their beloved dogs into heaven: at, the list of books maintaining that pets are heaven-bound is long and furry. (My personal favorite: Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates, "a beautifully written book from a Christian perspective about our beloved pets" going to heaven.)
Are these merely examples of overzealous animal lovers—or signs of the latest "rights" campaign gaining steam? Read More

We have seen several examples of religions getting involved in the animal rights debate. These religions will be very vocal in the California vote. Mostly these religions have wanted to give human rights to animals. This is a very well written article that contains a lot of common sense.

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