Thursday, May 28, 2009

UN's Version of Animal Welfare

The United Nations and animal welfare
By Drovers news staff Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations has launched a new Web portal devoted to livestock welfare. Billed as a “one-stop shop for individuals and organizations searching for the latest information about the welfare of livestock,” the Gateway to Farm Animal Welfare is “designed to provide a reliable information conduit on legislation and research findings in the sector, as well as on animal-welfare standards, practices and policies.”

According to an FAO press release, expected users are farmers and government officials, lawmakers, researchers, the livestock and food industry and non-governmental organizations. The board members include a wide variety of individuals including Joyce D’Silva, who is former chief executive of Compassion in World Farming and is currently “co-editing a book on the adverse global impacts of high meat consumption.” Link

Read the news release.

Without ever having seen this website, I can about tell you what it will say. The United Nations is against modern agricultural methods, and animal agriculture. They have tried to convince people that livestock is responsible for global warming and encouraging people not to eat meat. So after that, we are supposed to believe that they know how best to raise them? Farmers and ranchers have generations of experience behind them. If consumers are interested in learning about animal welfare, they should ask the real experts.

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