Friday, July 17, 2009


Stacy and I got into Chicago last night for a meeting that will keep us here until next Tuesday. As we arrived at our hotel, it's pretty much impossible not to notice how many people live and work in the relatively small area of downtown. I couldn't help but think to myself that it is only because of the hard work that farmers and ranchers do in raising a safe, affordable, abundant food supply that make this city life possible. The very existence of large cities depends on the rural America to sustain it.

There are basics in life that can't be ignored but are largely forgotten by many. The very foundation of our society hinges on our ability to grow food, and that is thanks to you.

Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Hadrick, Concerning your article: Focus on Agriculture
Farmers, It's Time to Take Back 'Sustainable' I would like to say we are more than willing to give you back "sustainable" if you will give us back "organic". The counter culture movements of the 60s & 70s were the ones who invented the organic movement only to see it taken away & redefined to where it is no longer organic as originally defined. The organic standards as now defined by the FDA & practiced by corporate farming, & anyone else who wants to do so, has lowered the standards so much that just about anything can now be considered organic. This came about because the corporate farmers saw there was money to be made calling food organic & wanted to get in on it. To do so they, via their lobbyists, got the standards lowered to where they can now use the word. Give us back the organic WE invented Mr. Hadrick & we will happily give you back sustainable. However, I think you have a misunderstanding of what the sustainability movement is all about. You would do well to educate yourself on the issue & you will find it is, in many ways, very different from what you know it to be.

Troy Hadrick said...

First of all, it's almost impossible to continue this conversation without knowing who you are. You say "we" and "us". Who is that?

Next, could you tell me what a corporate farmer is?

And finally, are you suggesting that large or "corporate" farms shouldn't be allowed to grow organic food? Why does a farms size or business structure affect their ability to grow organic food? Can you document anything you are saying?

I have done nothing to supposedly take the organic label away from anyone. But many people have tried to tell me, from their view point thousands of miles from my house, that our operation isn't sustainable.

So why don't you tell everyone who you, "we" and "us" is and we can discuss this more.