Saturday, February 7, 2009

Update For The Week

I have to apologize for not posting anything this week. We have been on the road again. This time we are in Sacramento, California. The American Farm Bureau Federation's Young Farmer and Rancher Conference is taking place. Over 800 of this country's most talented and energetic young leaders will be taking part in the activities. If you have never been to one of these and you are a young farmer or rancher, you really need to consider attending. The networking opportunities her are fantastic. There is also an impressive line up of speakers.

A lot has been happening in agriculture this week. First off, everyone needs to take a look at this youtube video. At the beginning of the week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was testifying at a House Judiciary committee hearing. Rep. Steve King of Iowa started off asking him about his statement from several years ago when he said that hog farmers were more of a threat to this country than Osama Bin Laden. He reaffirmed that he totally agrees with this statement. Rep. King really let him have it and it was very obvious that RFK Jr. was flustered by the confrontation. These are the types of things being said agout ag.

Also, there has been a lot of things going on across the country about the issue of horse slaughter. Rep. Conyers introduced another bill to make it illegal to sell a horse going for human consumption. Also, North Dakota is looking at the possibility of opening a horse harvesting facility.

Last week while we were in Phoenix attending the Cattle Industry Convention, the International Poultry Expo was also going on in Atlanta. There were some protesters there that dressed in chicken costumes protesting the event. Apparently they had a little incident with some nearby construction workers.

Finally, there was an important victory for livestock producers in Illinois this week when a jury sided with the producers over a nuisance lawsuit filed against them.

Have a great weekend. I will be back on schedule with daily updates by the middle of next week.

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